The opening argument between Iris and Barry, regarding what he did with Nora, featured Candice's best acting ever, and Grant's best acting since season 2. I was totally on Iris' side, which is a first for me. However, both sides put up really good arguments.
Meanwhile, Icicle returned, to put the final stage of his plan into works. He then kidnaps Caitlin and her mother, with his plan being to make them a frosty family. However, Caitlin outsmarted him and they got into a snowy battle. Caitlin's father finally destroys his alternate personality and he returns to normal.
This aspect of the plot to me, while having good acting from the Snow family, and good visuals, felt way too predictable.
Iris and Ralph go to the future to bring Nora home, behind Barry's back. Ralph's one liners while in the future were hilarious.
Nora then asks Thawne how he is able to travel back in time without Barry realizing it. Thawne then reveals to her that he created his own speed force called the Negative Force. I went nuts at that reveal, the long running rumors were confirmed.
Nora then taps into her rage upon seeing Iris and realizing that Barry did not come with her, thinking that Barry dies not love her anymore, she then harnesses the power of the Negative Force and travels back to 2019.
Thawne's facial expressions when he sees the rage building in her was priceless, but I wonder whether this was part of his plan or not.
Cicada 2.0 arrives to steal a device from the Snow family and it ends with Cicada killing Thomas Snow, while he was protecting Caitlin. I was stunned, great plot twist.
Iris then reveals to Barry what has happened with Nora, and he then apologizes for making the decision to take her home without consulting her or the team. Iris then reveals that she thinks Thawne may truly care about Nora, but she does not know why.
Three theories on that: 1. Nora really is Thawne's daughter, and Barry and Iris may have raised her as their own. 2. Thawne cares about her because it will help him forge his own path as a hero. 3. He needs her for his master plan, which is to destroy Barry.
Overall, despite a predictable Snow story line, tonight's episode of The Flash features some great visuals, well done humor from Ralph, strong dialogue, stunning plot twists, and powerful performances from Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Jessica Parker Kennedy, and Tom Cavanagh, to keep its hot streak going.
Out of 4 stars I would give it...
3.5 out of 4 stars
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