Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash!

Superman and the Twins taking on Doomsday was so epic! I loved it when Steel nailed Doomsday with his hammer as well! I loved how Doomsday chose to sacrifice himself as well. Bizarro had a tragic backstory, and I'm glad that they didn't change the fact that he was Superman at one point.

Lois and Clark taking on Lex Luthor was such a satisfying battle! Loved how frustrated Lois managed to make Lex, and that comment about Clark beating Lex without his powers was so satisfying. Clark finishing off Lex was a perfect way to end the battle!

Lana and John Henry Irons getting married was something I did not see coming! I loved that Clark was the one who walked her down the aisle, and I almost laughed when I found out that it was Lois who officiated their wedding, and her comment about where she got her license to do it was so funny.

Kyle and Chrissy arriving at the wedding with their son was such a sweet moment. I was shocked to find out that she was pregnant again. Loved the final scene between Kyle and Lana, glad they ended both their story lines on good terms. 

Jordan and Sarah's final interaction was a perfect scene. Loved that Sarah genuinely wanted to know if Jordan was at peace with his life, and I'm glad that Jordan said yes. I don't care what some people may say, I still think they ended up reconciling their relationship.

Clark narrating that he and Lois started trying to save the world via other ways felt so right. Loved that Clark and Lois also opened up a foundation that they named after her father. Nearly teared up during that scene.

Clark making suits for Jordan and Jonathan was a long time coming! I loved that they got one shot of them wearing their suits, and that John Henry Irons and Natalie were in the background! That was a perfect final shot of Tyler wearing his Superman outfit.

Clark also revealing that Jordan, and Jonathan got married to their respective wives, and having 9 kids was such a huge shock! Loved seeing Clark and Lois get to be Grandparents, as they fit the role perfectly, as did the actors that were chosen to play older versions of Jordan and Jonathan. The actress playing Jordan's wife definitely looked like an older Sarah, and if that is the case, I'm glad they got a happy ending.

Clark also revealing that Lois ended up dying from cancer years later was such a shocking scene. I almost cried when Lois said her final words, "Daddy". That was such a tearjerker. Did not see that coming at all.

Clark getting a dog after Lois died was something else I never pictured would happen, loved that it was a normal dog, and that he named him Krypto. Krypto was such an adorable dog! I also liked that Lana would occasionally stop by and bring Clark an apple pie. 

Clark having heart failure while walking with Kyle and Krypto was one of the saddest moments ever! I was glad that Kyle managed to save Clark, so he could see his boys again! They almost got me there! I was glad that he got that scene with Kyle, as I loved Kyle and Clark's friendship so much!

Clark dying peacefully is easily one of the saddest moments in TV history! Clark forgiving Lex Luthor in the afterlife was something that I didn't see coming, but it was a scene that continues to show why Superman is one of the best superheroes of all time.

Clark hugging younger Jordan and Jonathan in the afterlife sequence was such a great moment as well. I'm glad that Bishop and Garfin got one more scene with Tyler, as they were the heart of the show. 

I was also glad that it showed Clark waving goodbye to John Henry Irons, Lana, Kyle, and Chrissy in the afterlife. They were all very good friends to him, and it felt like a true sendoff to the entire show.

The final shot of Clark reuniting with Lois in the afterlife was so emotional! I loved that Lois was wearing her iconic red dress that Clark bought for her, which was mentioned last season. The final words by Clark were so emotional, and it felt like a punch in the gut!

Tyler is easily a top 2 in portraying Superman, and Elizabeth Tulloch is easily the best portrayal of Lois Lane IMO. I will miss this show so much, but I'm glad it never went sour! Amazing writing and acting! Easily one of the best superhero shows of all time!!!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 9: To Live and Die Again: Review

Going to make this a quick review. 

The penultimate episode of Superman & Lois sets the stage for the biggest fight of Superman's life.

The return of Doomsday was something I did not see coming! Loved how he got his final form, and I loved how quickly Luthor moved against Smallville.

I was glad that Bruno Manheim returned. Loved the small interaction between him and Lois!

Superman taking on Doomsday in the final minutes of the episode was so good! This show always makes me smile, and this final part was no exception.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Monday, November 25, 2024

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 8: Sharp Dressed Man: Review

 Superman & Lois continues its hot trend this season

Lex Luthor challenging Lois Lane to debate him was so petty of him. I absolutely loved that Tom Cavanagh was cast as the talk show host. I had a gut feeling that Lex would pull up footage from his street fight with Clark to make himself look like a victim.

Candice breaking up with Jonathan was something I did not see coming. I was so glad that they were able to reconcile though, after he went to see her. I really like their chemistry, and I loved it when Jordan told Jonathan not to take relationship advice from him. I also love how Jordan is slowly starting to warm up to Candice.

Brainiac making his long awaited debut was so much different than I was expecting. I knew that guy that John and Natalie saved was suspicious, but I did not think he would be Brainiac. I love how he is a hacker, and considering the minimal number of episodes that there are this season, I'm glad they didn't try and go the comic book accurate route, because it would've felt rushed IMO.

I had a gut feeling that Lex was going to steal John's war suit, but I was more shocked that Jordan had to destroy Natalie's suit. Lex now has a suit that can kill Superman, so it is going to be interesting to see where this goes in the final 2 episodes!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Monday, November 11, 2024

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 7: A Regular Guy: Review

 Wow! Totally not the way I thought it was going to go!

The flashbacks scenes with Clark and Jimmy Olsen were really good! I felt so bad for Clark as it showed the burden of keeping his secret from his friend. But I also liked the fact that it made you feel for Jimmy also! Really good writing!

Chrissy and Kyle trying to find a house was a great story line! I loved the gift that Lois gave Kyle and Chrissy, and I lost it when part of it broke! Lois trying to assemble it was hilarious also! Them having money issues really reminded me of Spider-Man 2, and I was glad that Clark and Lois were able to help them buy their dream home!

Clark trying to convince everyone in Smallville that he isn't Superman was so cringy, but super funny at the same time! I completely understand why he was mad at the twins for telling Candice, but I did like how Jordan said that he didn't want the same thing that happened to him and Sarah to happen to Jordan and Candice! Really good conflict there!

Candice's father spilling the beans to the town and proving that Clark is Superman, was something I did not see coming! And Clark agreeing to tell the whole world that he is Superman is something I did not think would ever happen! Now the whole world knows! 

I was really happy that Jimmy and Clark reconciled at the end of the episode! Love their friendship, and I'm glad he understood! Heck, I'm glad everyone in Smallville seems to understand!

Lex Luthor is now about to strike again! I am very curious as to what he will do now! He is going to try and discredit Lois and Clark, and it should be interesting to see how this plays out!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 6: When the Lights Come On: Review

 Sorry this review is late, will try to do a longer review for the next one!

The 6th episode of Superman & Lois ups the stakes, while giving a character a great sendoff!

Lex coming for Lana was something I knew was gonna happen, but I was glad that Sarah was able to come in and save her mom! Lex is so ruthless, and I'm loving how relentless he is!

Sarah revealing that she is going to leave Smallville to study abroad was an emotional part of the episode! I am going to miss Sarah, but I'm glad she is getting a great sendoff. I still think her & Jordan will reconcile in the finale!

Superman fighting Lex in the street was one of the best scenes in the series! I loved how Clark was able to beat Lex, even without his powers! Great scene, and it explained the episode title as well LOL.

Lex getting reading to get his own suit is super exciting! Looking forward to seeing him battle against Superman again, but with more damage this time!

Loved the fact that Clark is catching on that more people know who he is, and that his hair is turning grey! Good moments like this are what makes this show special!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 5: Break the Cycle: Review

A Lex Luthor centered episode that works so perfectly, while advancing the story line so well!

Candice coming to Smallville to see Jonathan was such a stressful episode. I really thought she was going to break up with Jonathan, and then he would try to get her back, similar to what happened with Jordan and Sarah in season 2. But I am so glad that they did not go that route, but I was shocked that Jordan told her the truth. But I'm glad she understood, and reconciled with him. Jordan is being a hero in his own way!

Lex Luthor's flashbacks were so good! Loved that they showed that he really did try to be a good father to Elizabeth in the past. I'm glad they did humanize him also, and it was heartbreaking to see that final scene in the flashbacks when it showed him dropping his daughter off at school before he was arrested. Love that Superman was the one who took him in, now it really makes sense as to why he hates Superman also! Love it!

Elizabeth Luthor making her debut and reuniting with Lex was such good writing! Loved the conflict in both of them. While it was sad to see Lex choose revenge over getting to be involved in his daughter's (and future grandson's) life, it didn't surprise me in the slightest! That is just who Lex is, he values revenge over family! Elizabeth Henstridge did a great job as Elizabeth Luthor, and I doubt we have seen the last of her!

Lois confronting Bizarro/Doomsday was something I did not see coming at all! I kept wondering time, and time again how they would get rid of Doomsday, and this was absolutely perfect! They made him Bizarro for a reason, and now we know why! Lex's reaction to Doomsday being gone from the base was perfect! Loved seeing Lois drinking on her patio and telling Clark what happened! She was so proud of herself!

Lex Luthor will be out for blood next episode! I know he is going to target Lana & Sarah soon! It wouldn't surprise me if Sarah gets kidnapped by Lex's goons, and that is what draws Jordan to start using his powers again! And if that is the case, I hope Jordan saves Sarah, and they share a kiss and reconcile! Perfect way to get them back together!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 4: A Perfectly Good Wedding: Review

 A filler episode that actually works so well!

Kyle & Chrissy planning their wedding was so funny. That diner scene between Kyle and Chrissy's mom was so awkward, that remark she made about Chrissy almost being the same age as Sarah was so classless, but funny at the same time. I have a gut feeling that Kyle & Chrissy will get married at the end of the season, after she gives birth.

Clark returning was so unexpected. I did not think he would come back until episode 6 at the earliest. His reunion with his family was so emotional, kind of wish we could've seen Lana and the Irons family's reaction. I am glad that they showed that Clark isn't 100% yet, good job on the writers for not making it so easy. Loved the scene where Clark was training Jonathan, and Jonathan (Unlike Jordan) understood the Star Wars reference Clark made.

Jordan's story line was well done. I absolutely loved his conversation with Sarah, I knew she would help him overcome the confidence problem he was having. It was also nice seeing them on friendly terms, compared to how they were at the end of last season. Jordan giving Jonathan his suit was a touching scene, love the dynamic between those 2. 

The end with everyone just dancing inside of the barn was a great scene. Perfect song for that scene, and I loved seeing how happy everyone was. I was surprised to see how tall Sophie has gotten, the girl was even taller than Sarah now LOL. Loved seeing Sarah and Jordan dance together also (I still think they will reconcile by the end of the season), and it was charming to see Jonathan dancing with Sophie, since they have a special bond that was shown last season.

I have a gut feeling that the show will now get very serious. Lex will now send Doomsday after Clark and the family again. They need to find a way to kill Doomsday, and to do it soon! So looking forward to it! Love this show!!!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...