Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 2 Episode 7: Doomed to Die: Review

 The penultimate episode sees the Elves in their darkest hour.

Celebrimbor breaking free of Sauron's influence was amazing. Charles Edwards gave his best performance in this episode. I am so glad that the 9 rings for the race of Men are all complete. It is now only a matter of time before Sauron gets his hands on them.

The battle between the Orcs and the Elves was amazing. Instant flashbacks to The Two Towers & The Return of the King battle sequences. Really liked seeing how strategic Adar was with his Orcs, and I am loving how some of the Orcs are not liking the fact that Adar is risking so many of their lives just to kill Sauron. Sam Hazeldine has exceeded every expectation I had!

I am so curious if Durin IV will arrive with his army or not. If he doesn't show up, that will explain why, in the future, Elrond doesn't believe that Dwarves will come to help them destroy the Ring of Power. I know that Durin IV has a difficult decision to make, but you can't just leave Elrond like that. If he doesn't show, their friendship is over!

Galadriel is about to encounter Sauron again, and he will retrieve his 9 rings for Men! I am so looking forward to their interaction after almost a whole season of not seeing each other. 

I do not believe that Arondir is dead, and I truly believe that he will get his revenge on Adar! If they aren't going to let Sauron kill Adar, then the one to kill him should be Arondir, as he deserves to after what he did to the people of the town that he was protecting! Sauron will get back control of the Orcs either in the next episode, or next season!

Dang it, I love this show!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Friday, September 20, 2024

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 2 Episode 6: "Where Is He?": Review

 The board is set, the pieces are moving!

Sauron's story line was so well written. I love how he is able to continue to manipulate Celebrimbor. Sauron will have the 9 rings for the race of men soon, and I am very curious as to who he will give them to. Are they characters we have seen before, or just new characters altogether? Looking forward to finding out the answer.

Elendil's story line was amazing! I loved how loyal he was to his Queen, no matter what. The sea creature design was amazing also, the show's practical, and visual effects rival that of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy IMO. I loved the ending where Ar-Pharazon finds out, via the Palantir, that Halbrand is Sauron. I would love it if he is one of the 9 who receives one of the rings for men.

The Stranger's story line is quite interesting. I love all the callbacks they have to Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings series, and I am curious as to what will happen to Nori and Popppy. I am looking forward to the Stranger getting his staff also.

The Dwarves story line was amazing also. I love the conflict in Durin IV, as he wants to stop his father, but he still respects him also. I loved the scene where Sauron arrived and asked for more Mithril to help make more rings, but Durin III refused. I loved the quick scene where Sauron looked in the fire and saw a Balrog in it. Durin IV's wife, Disa, knew something ancient and evil was in those mines, and I am glad that it was revealed to be a Balrog. Sauron knows that the Dwarves are about to get attacked by one, and that smirk as he was leaving said so much. Sauron is 10 steps ahead of everyone, and I love it!

Adar proposing an alliance to Galadriel was a great scene. While I was initially hesitant about Sam Hazeldine replacing Joseph Mawle as Adar, Sam has managed to surpass Joseph. I loved the fact that Adar just got what he needed out of Galadriel, and now plans on destroying all of Eregion in order to make sure that Sauron stays dead. I loved how Galadriel was trying to warn Adar that he and the Orcs are walking right into Sauron's trap. Sauron is playing chess, while everyone else is playing checkers. I also loved the reveal that Sauron's crown which Adar stabbed him with in the first episode, was actually Morogoth's crown. Great reveal!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 2 Episode 5: Halls of Stone: Review

 After last week's disaster of an episode, this episode gets the series right back on track!

The ring corrupting Durin III was a great story line. I am loving this story line so much, and I am very curious as to how this will conclude this season. I feel so bad for Durin IV, he doesn't know what to do, and he knows there is something off with that ring. Love his character so much!

Sauron continuing to forge the rings, while corrupting Celebrimbor is the best part of the season. Now that we know who Sauron is, it is so great to see how Sauron is able to manipulate everything to go according to his plan. Loved the scene where one of the Elven smiths saw the eye of Sauron while testing out a ring. Great callback, and they had the door which was featured in the Fellowship of the Ring, which leads into the Mines of Moria. Great callbacks also.

The story line involving Elendil was a great story line. While Sauron may be the main villain of the entire series, Pharazon, and his supporters, are the main villains of this season. I was so satisfied when that one guy got his arm broken. I really hope Elendil or Isildur finishes him off by the end of the season.

The ending with Adar offering an alliance with Galadriel to destroy Sauron was a great ending. I am so curious to see what Galadriel does, as she knows Sauron has to be destroyed!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 2 Episode 4: Eldest: Review

 Episode 4 of the 2nd season of The Rings of Power is a huge misfire.

The story line involving the Stranger and the Harfoots was so boring. I came away with nothing in that episode. It didn't need to drag on as long as it did. The only interesting thing about that story line is finding out who the Dark Wizard is.

The story line involving Isildur & Arondir was badly paced also. They took way too much time just talking, and not actually moving along the story line for these 2. I did like the scene with the two Ents though. Really hope they pick it up soon.

The story line with Galadriel and Elrond was lackluster as well. The best part was the ending where Galadriel comes face to face with Adar once again. I am really looking forward to seeing them interact again. I did also like how much Elrond didn't trust Galadriel because of the ring she has, they are doing a great job at developing his character.

I really missed Sauron's presence, as he easily makes the show so much better. I also missed Durin IV, as his character is also a huge scene stealer also. They better pick it up, because that was a terrible episode.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

2 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...