Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Gotham Knights: Season 1 Episode 10: Poison Pill: Review

Wow! Gotham Knights' 10 episode tonight has so many twists and turns!

Love the dynamic between the Gotham Knights, and how smart they were in protecting Turner, from the Court of Owls. 

Harvey Dent's story line was amazing! Misha Collins' duel performance was outstanding, and I am looking forward to seeing what Harvey is going to do now!

Brody Marsh's story line had so many twists, I was stunned when he got killed by his mother, who then revealed that she is the leader of the Court of Owls. It seems like the Court of Owls always has a female as the leader, so I should have seen that one coming! Brody's father resurrecting him at the end was a shock as well! Nice to see that Lincoln has a heart, and isn't completely cold blooded, like his wife.

Carrie's mother finding out that her daughter is a vigilante was something I didn't see coming so soon! Should be interesting to see how all of this plays out!

Duela and Turner's last scene was perfect! So glad they put Turner into a relationship with Duela, and not with Carrie or Stephanie. The absolute perfect pairing, and their chemistry is insane. They really do remind me of a less complicated Bruce and Selina. 

This show has surprised me with how good it is, really impressed!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 3 Episode 10: Collision Course: Review

The episode literally lives up to the title LOL. Loved this episode so much. 

Matteo saving Peia was something I did not see coming. While I knew he was up to something, that was not what I was expecting. I don't think that the cure is a cure though IMO. It seems too good to be true.

Jordan and Jonathan not wanting to spend time with Clark and going to a party was a very interesting story line. Jordan's life has really taken a turn for the worse. He misses Sarah so much, but he needs to get better at when he tries to start a conversation with her. Sarah, on the other hand, also needs to stop with how she treats Jordan. She needs to understand that he is lonely, and that he really needs a friend that understands him, and knows what kind of problems he is having. 

Sarah and her friend getting into a car accident, but getting saved by Jordan was not something I saw coming. I really thought for a second that Sarah was going to get extremely hurt, but I am glad that Jordan saved her life. Neat callback to episode 1 or 2 of the first season, when Lana mentioned that she got into a car accident with Clark, but they were not hurt at all. Totally an Alpha move on Jordan's part to make sure that Sarah knew that he saved her life. I really hope that they reconcile soon. Because if they don't, what was the point of the 1st season. And quite honestly, Sarah's only essential to the plot when she is with Jordan.

Kyle, who has been investigating a new Meta-Human, finding out the Kent's secret was something I did not see coming. I am curious to see how he takes all of this in. Now the only one who needs to know the secret if Sophie Cushing LOL.

Lana's visit from the Governor was very interesting. Someone pointed out that the actress who played the Governor played Granny Goodness in Smallville. Makes me wonder if this was just a fun little Easter egg, or if they are teasing the arrival of Darkseid? Should be interesting.

What was also interesting about Lana's story line, is that they were surveying the destruction from last week's fight scene between Irons and Henry Miller. The reason I find this interesting, is because I have heard rumors that the show might see the characters move back to Metropolis, while still having them visit Smallville to see the Cushings and Chrissy, because of deals ending with using certain locations in the show. Could this be why they had this story line? But I have also heard that the show could move over to MAX (Formally known as HBO MAX), and end up having a bigger budget. We shall see.

Loved the episode so much, and I am really starting to think that Lex Luthor won't show up until the last episode, or the 2nd to last episode.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Monday, May 29, 2023

Top 10 Best Actors on The Flash

Ranking Every Season of the Flash From Best to Worst

The Flash: Season 9 Episode 13: A New World, Part 4: Finale: Review

While very anti-climatic, the final episode of The Flash delivers on the emotion, hilarious interaction between the villains, giving us Caitlin Snow back, and the final scene which took everything in me not to cry.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8 out of 10

I will miss this show. While it had some rough patches, and it was very cringy sometimes, I enjoyed tuning into it every week, and just having a good time. Lots of good memories with this show! Favorite season was the 2nd season, least favorite season was the 7th season. I will be doing a lot of top 10s with this show, as a final tribute! Loved this show so much! The end of an era!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Gotham Knights: Season 1 Episode 9: Dark Knight of the Soul: Review

Wow! Another excellent episode! Loved the reveal that Turner's parents were killed by Bruce Wayne. I still wonder if they were members of the Court of Owls? The Court seemed to know way too much about them. Should be interesting!

I am loving the way Duela is falling in love with Turner. I really thought they were going to kiss each other at the end, too bad Turner started throwing up, and it ruined the moment. I really hope that they end up kissing very soon. Duela stole the show with her bomb dress, she is still the best part of the series.

Harvey Dent's story line gets weirder and weirder as the show goes on. His alter ego, Two-Face, is coming soon. And I would not be surprised if he ends up blowing Lincoln's brains all over the place. It would be pretty satisfying also LOL.

I was right. The Court of Owls want Turner to become the next Talon. I think when he refuses again, the court will resurrect Bruce Wayne, because I know that that happens in the video game with the same title. Cannot be a coincidence, IMO. We shall see though!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 3 Episode 9: The Dress: Review

 While the plot doesn't move as much as it did in the last 2 episodes, tonight's episode of Superman & Lois is still an emotionally satisfying episode that has plenty of moments.

Lois' story line involving her having to have surgery to get rid of her cancer, was emotional. I always love seeing Lois and Lana interact, as they always get emotional. It did a little awkward for me though, when they mentioned that the surgery would involve them having to remove her breasts. That was a little uncomfortable for me LOL.

The flashbacks involving Clark buying Lois a very expensive dress for an award was very emotional. I always love the flashbacks with Lois and Clark. It was funny that she ended up not winning it in the end though.

John Henry and Bruno Mannheim's rivalry throughout the episode was amazing! Easily the best part of the season.  Sarah put it perfectly earlier in the episode, a case of Romeo and Juliet, where the parents hate each other, but the kids love each other! 

The fight scene between Henry Miller, Superman, and John Henry was amazing! The fight scenes looked like they had a huge budget on them. So looking forward to more of these fight scenes, later in the season! Really hope they do not disappoint.

Matteo and Bruno's scenes were very good. I love the conflict between them, and I am glad that Matteo has been calling Bruno out lately. Very interesting when Bruno showed Matteo that he had the body of Bizarro, and that Bizarro is the key to saving Peia. I wonder what it is? Should be interesting, and I hope Bizarro returns very soon!

Jordan and Jonathan, with encouragement from Sarah, reconciling was hilarious. I loved how Sarah told them to literally hug it out. It was very sweet when Sarah started hugging them both. Her and Jordan had a few scenes together, and I really hope that they reconcile very soon, and share a floating kiss. 

Love this show so much, and I really hope it does not get cancelled.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Flash: Season 9 Episode 12: A New World, Part Three:

The penultimate episode of the entire Flash series hits all the emotional beats thanks to a powerful performance from Rick Cosnett, and sets the stage for the final battle between Cobalt Blue and Flash!

I cannot believe that the show is over next week! This show had a lot of ups and downs, but I will always appreciate the fact that I watched this show from start to finish!

So looking forward to Zoom, Reverse-Flash, Savitar, Godspeed, and Cobalt Blue returning to face Barry and his team! Please do not let me down!!!!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Flash: Season 9 Episode 11: A New World, Part Two: The Blues: Review

Tonight's episode The Flash delivers on the mystery surrounding the resurrection of Eddie Thawne, showing how much of a threat the Negative Speed Force is, setting the stage for the final battle between Barry and Cobalt Blue, and showing that if done right, not having Barry in most of the episode can work!

I am really looking forward to seeing Barry become a dad very soon!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Gotham Knights: Season 1 Episode 8: Belly of the Beast: Review

Wow! Gotham Knights' 8th episode this season is amazing! I loved the haunting feeling of the Court of Owls during their party! And I was right, the Court of Owls is planning on framing Harvey Dent for the attempted of murder of Lincoln (Who I correctly guessed was the leader of the Court of Owls during the party scene), and for the murder of Cressida. I loved this episode so much! The emotion behind Stephanie's family life was emotional as well!

I am so glad that they are making Duela and Turner fall for each other! Duela was straight up ready to fight the Court of Owls to protect him! Perfect pairing, and they reminded me of a less complicated Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. Hope they share a kiss when he is rescued from the Court of Owls. 

Is the Talon really dead?! I can't imagine they can just put his head back on LOL. Is the Court of Owls planning on making Turner, Dent, or Bruce Wayne their new Talon? This is so interesting!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 3 Episode 8: Guess Who's Coming To Dinner: Review

 Wow! Superman & Lois' 8th episode this season is their best due to the shocking ending involving Peia and Bizarro, setting up Bruno and John Henry Irons' rivalry, throwing us a shocking twist with the reveal that Kyle is on to Jordan, continuing to build up the arrival of Lex Luthor, and setting up plenty of drama between Natalie and Matteo's family!

On a quick side note, it was great to see Sarah and Jordan interact more! I really hope that they renew their relationship at the end of the season! They are so sweet together. I also really think that Kyle is going to find out about Clark and Jordan this season!

I still think Doomsday is coming, and that Clark will die at the end of the season! Thus the 4th season will be about Superman's resurrection! Love this show so much!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

The Flash: Season 9 Episode 10: A New World, Part One: Reunions

The final arch for the last season of the Flash starts off with a bang, and finally gives us the moment we have been waiting to see in years! The episode also sees Grant Gustin give his best performance, has plenty of well written emotional moments, gives Matt Letscher the sendoff he deserved, and teases the rise of Cobalt Blue with the return of Rick Cosnett!

Easily one of the best episodes on the show ever!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 3 Episode 7: Forever and Always: Review

Quick reviews until I catch up!

Superman & Lois' 7th episode this season delivers on the plot twists (Which I totally called by the way!), having Sarah and Chrissy get together and have some hilarious moments, plenty of well written emotion, and developing Jonathan Kent very well! Love this show!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Gotham Knights: Season 1 Episode 7: Bad to Be Good: Review

Tonight's episode of Gotham Knights delivers on the mystery surrounding the Court of Owls' plans for Gotham, continuing to build up the arrival of Two-Face, teasing that the Lazarus Pit is what is keeping The Talon alive, and Duela once again manages to steal the show with her antics and Olivia Rose Keegan's performance is so perfect!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...