Stargirl's series finale sends this amazing DC show off in the style that it deserves!
The opening flashback with Icicle and Dragon King digging up Starman's corpse was a truly haunting scene! I wondered if Starman had been brought back to life, but this was way more shocking than I could have imagined!
Pat digging himself out of his grave and arriving at the junkyard to spill the beans on Ultra-Humanite and Icicle's plan was not shocking, but Ultra-Humanite's reaction to seeing Pat again was too perfect!
Sofus not wanting to fight the JSA was something I knew would happen. He really just wanted peace, and only fought we he had to defend himself.
Lilly Mahkent's death was shocking! Some people called her a witch, and she was killed like the wicked witch from The Wizard of OZ. You cannot tell me that wasn't planned. Yolanda's reaction was way too perfect as well.
Cameron turning against his father and protecting Courtney went exactly how I imagined it would go. Jordan threatening to kill him was the moment I knew he had to die. Cameron went full on beast mode against his father, and it was a satisfying scene.
Courtney getting the staff back from the Ultra-Humanite, and then having Pat fight the Ultra-Humanite was a great scene. Joel McHale absolutely crushed his performance this season, and I was glad that he was able to showcase his acting chops. I loved that Pat defeated him by giving him brain damage by hitting him on the head with a rock.
Cameron leaving with his grandfather to protect Courtney was a great scene! I knew he would be back, but Hunter Sansone's acting was so good in this scene, as was Brec Bassinger's.
Cindy, Mike, and Jakeem battling Dragon King was a great scene! I was really glad that Jakeem got to save Cindy, but I did not expect it to happen the way it did. Whoever came up with the idea of turning Ultra-Humanite into a stuffed animal should be applauded.
Pat telling Courtney that he dug his way out of the hole by dislocating his thumbs was a great callback to Arrow. It was also nice seeing Pat and Courtney having another bonding moment between the two of them.
Mike meeting his mother in the diner was an unexpected scene. But I loved it when he came back to his parents, and called Barbara his real mom. Loved the development of Mike throughout this show, such good writing.
Courtney finding the Gambler's daughter and giving her the letter that he intended to give her was a satisfying scene. I was glad that they did not just brush over that, and actually had a moment where they acknowledged the Gambler!
The Whitmore-Dugan's dog buddy trying to tear up the plush of Dragon King was a hilarious scene! Cindy saying, "Having fun, daddy?" was the perfect last line for her. The writing for Cindy was amazing, how you went from hating her, to absolutely feeling sorry for her, and then liking her again, should be applauded by these writers. Gonna miss her character the most.
Yolanda calling her mom was an emotional scene. I was glad that we never saw her reconcile with her parents, but I imagine that we would have seen it at some point.
Solomon Grundy returning was a nice touch as well! Kind of glad that he didn't show up at the last second, it would have felt too sloppy.
Courtney walking home, after giving Becky her father's letter, and passing by Jordan's old house was a great scene. I knew Cameron would return, and the way he did was so perfect. He made it snow for her again, and them reconciling was too perfect! Gonna miss both of them so much!
Icicle going back to Denmark, but then getting killed by Artemis was too perfect! Artemis finally got her revenge, and there is no way that Icicle survived that fire LOL. Wish we could've had a 4th season, so that we could have seen more Artemis, but it is what it is! Stella Smith did a great job, and I will miss her.
The 10 year flash forward scene was amazing. Jonathan Cake once again did a great job, and the reveals were great! Beth and Rick getting engaged was something I honestly never saw coming! I was so glad that Artemis and Cindy got to join the JSA also. I was also glad that Shade mentioned that they were able to find the real Starman's brain, and put him back inside of his own body!
The only few questions I had were 1. Did Courtney and Cameron get married? 2. Did Yolanda ever find a new boyfriend? 3. Did Cindy end up with Jakeem or Mike? 4. How did they end up curing Cindy? 5. Did Mike ever get to build something to help the JSA?
Such a great show that I was able to watch! This short, but sweet, chapter of my life ends! And it was a show that I needed! Thank you Geoff Johns!
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10