Thursday, November 17, 2022

Stargirl: Season 3 Episode 11: The Haunting: Review

 Stargirl's 11th episode this season ups the emotion, and produces another outstanding episode in this amazing show!

The opening revealing how Icicle survived being run over confirmed all the fan theories. He is so much more powerful than I could have possibly imagined, makes me wonder what else he can do.

Courtney continuing to tell Sylvester, Pat, Barbara, Mike, Yolanda, and Jakeem that they need to team up with the Mahkents was a memorable scene because of when Pat and Sylvester begin to banter about Sylvester getting the last word in. Joel McHale and Luke Wilson's banters this season have been amazing!

The team getting a knock on the door, and Mike and Jakeem flying back in their seats was hilarious! Trae Romano and Alkoya Brunson have been amazing this season!

Artemis asking the JSA if they have seen her parents made me emotional. I knew that she was going to lose it when she found out what happened to her parents.

The JSA and Artemis going into the sewers and finding what was left of Sportsmaster and Tigress made me emotional. Stella Smith knocked it out of the park with her performance! I feel so bad for her, she has now lost everything! Her performance is another thing that makes me sad that this show is ending, we won't be able to see more of Stella, and what kind of potential she can bring.

Icicle coming back to his house and explaining to his family how he came back was an interesting scene. Though he claimed he wanted peace, I knew there was something more nefarious up his sleeve.

Barbara and Pat finding out that Sportsmaster and Tigress are dead was an emotional scene. Though they had some issues with them, Sportsmaster and Tigress were good friends to Pat and Barbara, and they know that it will hurt Artemis!

Barbara finding out that Icicle is back was a great scene! I am so glad that Barbara immediately told him that she didn't trust him. I also knew he was full of it, even before he claimed that he killed Sportsmaster and Tigress in self defense!

Starman hunting Ultra-Humanite was a great scene. I loved the reference to Planet of the Apes when Starman said, "Come out from wherever you're hiding you damn dirty ape." These are the kind of things that I love about this show!

Starman finding out that Icicle was alive was a great scene, the rage that Joel McHale can have while playing Starman is amazing! I don't blame him for being angry that Icicle is alive, that guy killed his friends, and Starman himself!

Starman telling Pat that he will kill Icicle the first chance he gets was a great scene. Some of Starman's comments in that scene were amazing, but I cannot blame him for being so angry. Icicle is coldblooded and always has something else up his sleeve.

Cameron visiting Courtney and telling her that he still wants to be with her was a very well written scene. Cameron and Courtney love each other so much, and they really want to make this work, but they both have a feeling that something else is at work.

Courtney visiting Jordan at the mural that Cameron painted for him was a very well acted scene by Brec Bassinger and Neil Jackson. Courtney definitely wants peace, but she just can't trust Icicle because of everything he has done.

Jakeem trying to use the pen to strip Icicle of his powers so he can't kill Mike was a hilarious scene. I loved how the pen told them he couldn't take Jordan's powers away because it would kill him, and the pen is incapable of killing people.

Cindy arriving at Jakeem's house and berating them for leaving all the doors unlocked reminded me of the scenes in Gotham where Selina would criticize Bruce's lack of security at his mansion. I loved it when Cindy agreed to protect and help Mike and Jakeem take down Icicle and Ultra-Humanite. I busted a gut when Cindy said that they are not calling themselves the Young All Stars. But the most hilarious moment came when Jakeem said, "She is sitting on my bed." and Cindy gave a weird look. Meg DeLacy's facial expressions this season have been hilarious, another thing I will miss about this show.

Artemis breaking a bunch of stuff in her room, and crying about her parents getting killed was an emotional scene that was perfectly done by Stella Smith. Barbara arriving to comfort her, and asking her to come live with them shows how perfect the writing has been for Barbara. She is truly a great mother, she has taken in her stepson Mike and treated him like her own son. She has also taken in Yolanda and treated her like her daughter, despite the bad blood between Yolanda and Courtney at the time. Now, she is taking in Artemis, and she is going to treat her so well, and comfort her in any way she can. Amy Smart is such a great actress.

Yolanda calling her mother and telling her that she was lying to protect her, and that she loves her was a great scene. While Yolanda and her mother have a lot of differences, Yolanda does love her mother, and wouldn't wish any kind of harm on her. Great writing for Yolanda this season!

Sylvester telling Courtney that he wants to hunt down and kill Icicle is going to be a major problem going forward. They are going to clash over this, and it will not be pretty. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if Starman dies again this season.

Icicle being revealed to be working with the Ultra-Humanite was not shocking at all. He harbors so much vengeance, and won't rest until he has taken revenge on the entire JSA.

I really think that Cameron will turn on his father and use his powers to protect Courtney and her team, because he will truly see how evil his father is. It also wouldn't surprise me if Jordan ends up killing his own father, because his father doesn't want anymore war, he just wants peace.

So sad this show is ending, but man has it had a great run! Love it so much!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Stargirl: Season 3 Episode 10: The Killer: Review

Too much yard work today! Too tired to write a long review. 

Wow! I am still in shock! I knew someone would die, but not both of them!

Mike and Jakeem running from Ultra-Humanite and encountering Cindy, who was trying to trap Ultra-Humanite, was a great scene! Loved seeing Meg DeLacy again! Still hope her and Mike end up together.

Rick still having anger issues because of overusing the hourglass is interesting. Pat warned him in the first season that this would happen! 

Courtney lying to Cameron about who killed Icicle was an emotional scene! I still think he will end up siding with Courtney!

Tigress protecting Barbara from Cameron's grandmother and teaching her how to use a crossbow was a great scene! Loved their friendship so much.

Mike and Jakeem telling Pat and Starman about what they encountered in the woods, and Starman and Pat later telling everyone who Ultra-Humanite is was a great scene! I had a feeling that this thing was a creation from Dragon King, but not in that way!

Sportsmaster and Tigress visiting the Mahkents and convincing them to back down was a great scene! Sportsmaster always had great humor!

Sportsmaster and Tigress finding out that Artemis was going to Nebraska was a scene that I knew was too perfect! I knew something was about to go down!

Sportsmaster and Tigress following a trail of pamphlets into the sewer was an obvious trap! The shocking moment that stunned me, was when they were stabbed by a masked figure, who revealed himself to be Jordan Mahkent/Icicle! 

I knew the one watching them had to be either Icicle or Dragon King! They kept focusing on that sewer too much, and that was the same spot where Icicle died! I still think Dragon King could be alive!

I cannot believe that they killed Larry and Paula! WHY!!! I really feel bad for Artemis! She is going to lose it. But knowing Barbara, she will take her in, and help her. Their house is getting full though! 

Great episode, but now I really hate Icicle! I have a feeling that Cameron will protect Courtney, and will have a huge fight with his father! Artemis may end up killing Icicle, or it will be Cameron. Starman will be coming for him also! It wouldn't surprise me if Icicle ends up killing his father also!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Stargirl: Season 3 Episode 9: The Monsters: Review

Busy day, way too tired to write a long review!

Holy cow! What a great episode! Outstanding action scenes, plenty of heartfelt moments that involved Pat, Barbara, Sportsmaster, and Tigress, plenty of well written humor, and a shocking plot twist at the end that reveals who killed the Gambler and who attacked Starman!

I am not familiar with the character Ultra-Humanite, but I still think that there is another mastermind involved, and I really think that it is either Dragon King (Either resurrected or somehow returning in Cindy's body), or Icicle!

Man I love this show, but I am sad to see it end!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...