Stargirl's return is the perfect way to reintroduce yourself with the whole gang, while teasing the murder mystery story line that looks to be exciting.
The opening montage was downright perfect, and hilarious. I loved how they reminded everyone who is still in Blue Valley, and what their profession is.
Zeek is once again building something for S.T.R.I.P.E., and I cannot wait to see what it is.
Sportsmaster, Tigress, and Artemis taking a run together made me bust a gut when I saw a sticker on their car that said, "Our daughter is an honor student at Blue Valley High School."
The Gambler returning and picking up discarded trash was the perfect callback to episode 6 of season 1, when Tigress told the Gambler to pick up trash he had thrown on the ground, and not in the garbage.
Yolanda not walking in Cindy's direction is the perfect way to show how they will act towards each other this season, and I cannot wait to watch it unfold.
Cindy helping the old lady with her groceries shows that she is making a lot of progress towards wanting to be good. I hope the team starts trusting her this season.
Jakeem starting to go faster on his bike after throwing the daily paper to the Shade was the perfect way to reintroduce the Shade to let us know that he still around.
Starman telling Courtney how he came back to life has me suspicious. While it could be true, I feel that there is more going on than either he knows, or he is letting on to Courtney. Should be interesting to see how that pans out.
Courtney and Pat arguing over whether or not they should lock the door to keep the Crocks out was downright hilarious. Brec Bassinger and Luke Wilson have not lost any of their chemistry from the first 2 seasons.
The Gambler arriving at the Whitmore-Dugan house, and telling them that he is trying to reform so that he can be a good role model for his daughter, who he has never met before, was a very heartfelt moment. Courtney knows what that is like, so she believed him immediately.
What made the scene more interesting, was the fact that there was a camera hidden somewhere in the house. Who put it there is the big question. My money is on either Mister Bones, Starman, Todd Rice / Obsidian, or some other villain.
Sportsmaster waking up Pat and Courtney at 5:30 AM to make them a drink was downright hilarious. Neil Hopkins has not lost his charm as Sportsmaster at all. I am looking forward to watching him interact with the gang more often.
The Shade trying a new batch of tea that a waitress made for him was the funniest part in the episode! Jonathan Cake is still charismatic as the Shade, and his facial expressions after trying the nasty tea were downright perfect.
The Gambler arriving to try and mend his relationship with the Shade was a perfect scene. The Shade telling the Gambler to get out and then threatening him with his powers shows that Shade will never trust anyone from the ISA again.
The Shade noticing that some kind of green energy coming out of his black powers was very interesting. I believe that it has something to do with either Jenny or her brother Todd. I need it answered soon!
The lunch scene in the cafeteria was a great moment. Cindy and Yolanda arguing about her, Cindy, joining the ISA was perfect. I am looking forward to their interactions a lot more this season.
Beth's parents showing her their new designs for her suit was exciting. I hope it looks like her suit from the comics!
Artemis showing up and calling them team was perfect. Stella Smith is going to be a lot of fun to watch this season as Artemis! Hope she does a lot this season.
Tigress showing up at Barbara's office was a perfect scene. Tigress is almost the complete opposite of her husband, and she is a lot more intimidating than him also. Looking forward to watching her and Barbara interact more this season.
Courtney, Yolanda, Beth, Rick, and Cindy trying to stop a group of robbers and then watching Artemis beat them all up was the best scene in the episode. The song they played was perfect, and Cindy's facial expressions during the scene were perfect!
The JSA meeting up at Pat's garage was another hilarious scene. Meg DeLacy absolutely stole the show this entire episode with her facial expressions, and her snarky attitude. Her telling the team that they should meet at her house because she has wine was the icing on the cake.
The Gambler trying to write a letter to his daughter, but then noticing that someone was spying on the entire town via his computer was a chilling scene. While looking for the camera, he finds it, but then he is attacked by an unseen creature. Earlier in the episode, you could see the backside of someone, it was blurred so I couldn't get a clear view, watching the Gambler. I have a gut feeling that the person who was spying, and attacked the Gambler was Todd Rice / Obsidian.
The JSA finding Cindy standing over the Gambler's dead body with his gun was exactly what I knew would happen. While it is pretty obvious that Cindy didn't kill him, I knew the Gambler would be the one to die. I called it yesterday afternoon.
As to who killed him, I still believe that it was Todd Rice / Obsidian. I could be wrong, but it makes way too much sense.
Starman is going to blame the Shade, and the Crocks for this, and he will fight both groups. Please do not kill any of them!
Had a blast with this episode, and I hope that the rest of the season continues to live up to the hype set by the last 2 seasons!
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10