Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Andor: Season 1 Episode 4: Aldhani: Review

 While still having a bit of a pacing issue, Andor's 4th episode continues to draw you in with its lore filled story, continuing to show the dangers of serving either the Rebellion or the Galactic Empire, teasing major character arrivals, an Easter Egg filled room, and dark and realistic tone for the franchise.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10 

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 1 Episode 5: Partings: Review

 The Rings of Power's 5th episode continues to expand on the lore of the franchise, while also delivering on the dark tone, setting up a major battle, continuing to make the Orc's brutal (As they should be), and teasing the arrival of the dark lord Sauron. Loving this show so far!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Stargirl: Season 3 Episode 4: The Evidence: Review

 Stargirl's 4th episode this season continues to buildup the mystery, while having some heartfelt moments, and some shocking ones as well!

The opening with the staff waking Courtney up was a hilarious moment. I loved it when the staff blew a whole in her pillow, perfect way to wake her up.

Beth's mother telling Pat and Courtney that she told the cops that Starman was involved in a hit and run was hilarious! I love watching her try and help the team, but not thinking far in advance for it.

Dr. Mid-Nite returning to help Starman with his injuries was a pleasant surprise. I loved the way that Dr. Mid-Nite was telling Starman the importance of having balance in your life. I hope he returns again soon.

Yolanda potentially moving out of Blue Valley with her family, cause of her dad losing his job, was a shock. This explains why she has been frustrated lately. Her mother is still the worst, and I hope Yolanda finally stands up to her, and stays in Blue Valley with either Courtney or Rick. Yolanda's mother only wants her to go to college so she won't be around them!

The JSA looking for clues inside the Gambler's wrecked apartment was a hilarious scene when Yolanda accused Cindy of killing the Gambler and attacking Starman, but Cindy said that she would have just killed Starman had it been her. At least she was honest. I love Meg DeLacy this season, and she is starting to become my favorite scene.

The team finding some kind of skin in the trailer that is later revealed to be Dragon King's skin was an interesting reveal. While I wouldn't have minded Dragon King returning to the show, I knew there was something else going on.

Cameron accidentally unleashing his powers on Courtney was a great scene. I really feel bad for Cameron, mainly because his parents don't want him to paint anymore, and because he can't because his hand hurts when he starts painting.

Barbara's work scene was great. Barbara's boss Tim, after being threatened by Tigress, being nice to her was such a hilarious scene. I loved it also when Paula / Tigress showed up with some kind of stuffed animal that she personally made, and Barbara tried to be nice by saying that she loved it. Love Paula and Barbara's interactions this season, arguably the best part of the season.

Sportsmaster showing up with beers to try and break the ice with Starman was a great scene. Love Neil Hopkins as Sportsmaster, and it was hilarious when Pat asked Sportsmaster if he wanted to watch the movie with them, and Sportsmaster chugged a beer and crushed the can with his head. Such a smart idea to make him a series regular, him and Tigress are no doubt the comic relief this season.

Mike and Jakeem speculating that Dragon King could be hiding in the sewers was a great scene. I really hope to see these two get more involved in the case. I busted a gut when Mike told Jakeem to wish for the Thunderbolt to give him the keys to the garage so he could use S.T.R.I.P.E. and they ended up destroying the bathroom because the Thunderbolt gave them too many keys.

Pat and Starman's talk on the porch was a great scene. The icing on the cake was when Pat gave Starman a new suit that he personally made for him. I still think that something weird is going on with Starman, but we will have to wait and see.

Courtney helping Cameron control his powers was a great scene. I love the chemistry between these two, and their kiss was very cute. Something bad is going to happen between them though. Cameron was told by his grandparents that his dad died while trying to help people, but in reality he was a villain. I think Cameron will find out that Courtney played a role in his dad's death and fight her and the JSA, but he will turn on his grandparents when he figures out the truth about his dad. That is going to be very emotional, but I am looking forward to it.

The biggest shock though, was when it was revealed that Cindy is trying to get information on her father, because she is starting to mutate into a dragon like he did. Man oh man! I thought she was trying to get stronger, or I wondered if she was dying, but this was way worse than I could have imagined. I feel really bad for her, and I hope she finds a cure soon.

In terms of a way Cindy could get cured, I predict that Mike and Jakeem will use the Thunderbolt to cure her, on the condition that she helps them find the killer, and that she keeps them in the loop. I really think Cindy, Mike, and Jakeem will end up forming their own group, mainly due to the fact that Yolanda, Rick, and Beth do not like Cindy, and because Mike and Jakeem are never told anything by Courtney or Pat.

Looking forward to seeing what happens! Man I love this show!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

She-Hulk Update

 I quit She-Hulk. I cannot take it any longer!

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Andor: Season 1 Episode 3: Review

 Andor's third episode brilliantly sets the stage for what kind of show this will be. It will not be some cheerful, and happy show, it will have a lot of deaths, murder, betrayal, and following orders that seem wrong. Looking forward to seeing what else this show does.

Only problem I had was the shaky camera. I got really sick because of it. I also wish we would have gotten the Imperial Senate in this episode.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8.5 out of 10

Andor: Season 1 Episode 2: Review

 While the pacing is still a major and frustrating issue with this series, the episode has lots of character development, a very committed performance from Diego Luna, and setting the stage for the action to come. 

I am still waiting for the Imperial Senate to arrive. Please get with that soon!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

7.5 out of 10 

Andor: Season 1 Episode 1: Review

 Andor's premier has plenty of potential, and a lot of money put into it, but it stumbles due to its pacing, and lack of plot advancement.

Reminded me a little bit of The Mandalorian's premier, but I am confident that this show will pick up the pace. I also am hoping to see the Imperial Senate very soon. 

Out of a 10 I would give it...

6.5 out of 10

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 1 Episode 4: The Great Wave: Review

 The 4th episode of The Rings of Power continues to advance the story line well.

I loved Elrond and Durin IV's interactions, and the reveal that they have found the strong metal that protects Frodo and Bilbo called Mithril. Something is going to happen though that causes Elrond and Durin to turn against each other, which also causes Elrond to hate Dwarves in the Fellowship of the Ring.

Galadriel being told of the history of Palantirs was a very good scene. It gives more context as to why Gandalf warned Saruman against using it, and why he called it dangerous.

Arondir meeting Adar was a very interesting scene. While I doubt he is Sauron, I am not opposed to him ending up being Sauron. 

Theo using the Morgul blade to fight Orcs was a very intense scene. I love the design of the Orcs, and they are very intense and brutal, as they should be.

Arondir telling Brownyn what Adar told him was an interesting reveal. I wonder if that location is where Mordor will be built? Should be interesting to see how this all goes down!   

The people of Numenorian agreeing to help Middle-Earth is going to be epic! I hope the fight scenes are good, and I am looking forward to Isildur fighting Orcs.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: Season 1 Episode 5: Mean, Green, and Straight Poured into These Jeans: Review

While the Avengers copy cat merchandise is great, and the tease of Daredevil arriving soon is exciting, the episode is dull, predictable, lacking in humor, and does nothing to advance the plot, which I doubt the show even has at this point.

Out of a 10 I would give it... 

1 out of 10

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Stargirl: Season 3 Episode 3: The Blackmail: Review

 Stargirl's 3rd episode this season ups the stakes, and continues to show why it is the best show on TV right now!

The opening with Starman walking around town and then spitting out a cup of coffee made me bust a gut. Joel McHale is crushing it this season as Starman.

Cindy secretly sending records that showed the Gambler blackmailing Sportsmaster and Tigress to Beth was interesting. Cindy is really trying to help, but she is approaching it the wrong way. 

Sportsmaster, Tigress, and Artemis crashing Courtney's breakfast that she made and then throwing her waffles in the garbage was flat out hilarious! The Crocks are still the same usual fitness buffs, and I busted a gut when Sportsmaster was giving Mike a dirty look because he wouldn't eat the meal they made for them.

Courtney trying to talk to Cameron but getting ignored by him was a very interesting scene. He either ignored her because he knows that she played a part in his dad's death, or because he is trying to protect her from himself and his grandparents.

The JSA talking about what the Gambler was doing to the Crocks, and then agreeing not to tell Starman, was a good scene. I loved that Courtney didn't want Artemis to lose her parents again. I also find it funny that Artemis, even though she wants to be part of the JSA, still won't sit with Courtney, Yolanda, Beth, Rick, and Cindy.

Cindy going behind the team's back to tell Starman what they found was something I definitely saw coming. While I understand that Cindy just wants friends, and she wants to be appreciated, that was a very bad idea, Starman insulting her and calling her a demon spawn was very uncalled for. Meg DeLacy's facial expressions made me feel bad for her a lot more.

Paula Brooks asking Barbara to help her with a speech was such a great scene between them. I love the friendship between those two, and I am looking forward to seeing them interact more going forward.

Cameron and Rick getting into it over Cameron's attitude was a very good scene. I am loving the rivalry between those two, and I hope that we get more interaction between them. I bet they will have a major fight at some point this season. Cameron popping Rick's tires was a bit uncalled for though. I also couldn't believe the ice pun that they put in their conversation.

Starman going after Sportsmaster and Tigress continues to show why those two always have the best fight scenes. The choreography in that fight was amazing. But I cannot believe that Starman wrecked an entire store to try and take down suspects, who weren't even proven to be guilty.

Sportsmaster and Tigress telling Pat, Barbara, and Courtney why the Gambler was blackmailing them was a great scene. It was interesting when Sportsmaster said that the Gambler gave them all their money back. I laughed so hard when Sportsmaster admitted he planned on visiting the Gambler to have a "Little chat", but back off because he didn't want to go back to prison, and eat junk food at the prison. I also laughed when Sportsmaster said that they are free cause of a legal loophole.

Pat calling out Starman and telling him about when Courtney thought that he was her dad was such a well acted scene by Luke Wilson and Joel McHale. Glad that Pat was able to finally talk some sense into Starman, and to let him know how much Courtney looks up to him.

Cindy admitting that she told Starman about Sportsmaster and Tigress was good progress on her part. Courtney understanding her, and wanting to be her friend was a very well acted scene. I laughed my head off when Yolanda started eating her grapes and then began to glare at Cindy. Meg DeLacy has done a phenomenal job this season, and I am looking forward to the progress that she makes.

Cindy trying to hack into the Gambler's laptop to get information about Dragon King, her father, is a very interesting scene. Yolanda is going to find out, and then she will accuse her of killing the Gambler, and it will turn into a big huge fight between them. I also think that Mike could find out, but end up helping her instead of accusing her of killing the Gambler.

Cameron apologizing to Courtney and taking a walk with her was a sweet scene. They have a lot of chemistry between them, and I am curious to see how their relationship continues to progress.

Paula threatening Barbara's boss was a hilarious moment! Again, I love the friendship between Barbara and Paula, and I hope to see more of it going forward!

Someone watching all of the activity going on around Blue Valley via camera systems that they have briefly shown in the first episode was something that made me geek out. While I do believe that the person watching the cameras is Mister Bones, I want to know who put the cameras there.

Starman returning to the Gambler's mobile home to see if there are any clues he could have missed, and then getting attacked by an unseen force was a jaw dropping ending. Perfect way to end the episode on a cliffhanger.

As for who attacked Starman, I only have three possible explanations. 1. Todd Rice / Obsidian. They have been teasing his arrival for the longest time, and I truly believe that he is the one who killed the Gambler, plus he has a similar powers to the Shade, where he can manipulate Shadows, and we couldn't see who was attacking Starman, he was lifted up and thrown around also. 

Number 2. Another experiment by Mister Bones. This could just be some kind of genetic experiment that Mister Bones was working on, that escaped his lab.

Number 3. Solomon Grundy. Somebody pointed out to me that Rick keeps mentioning that Grundy couldn't have done it. And I have seen something like this done in movies a lot where the answer is right in front of us, but we are missing a lot of obvious clues.

Looking forward to next week!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10





Wednesday, September 14, 2022

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: Season 1 Episode 4: Is This Not Real Magic: Review

 Benedict Wong and the references to Mephisto are the only good things about this episode, other wise it is boring, and adds absolutely nothing to the overall story line.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

3 out of 10

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 1 Episode 3: Adar: Review

 While the lack of Elrond was a major disappointment, episode 3 of The Rings of Power advances the story line very well, has plenty of interesting character development, solid action scenes, well done makeup and characterization on the Orcs, and building up the arrival of Sauron!

I still believe that the mysterious stranger who is with the Hobbits is Gandalf! It would make sense from a story perspective also! I was also glad to see Isildur arrive! I am interested in seeing how all of this plays out! I am very impressed with this show so far!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Stargirl: Season 3 Episode 2: The Suspects: Review

 Football is on tonight, so I am doing a short review!

Stargirl's second episode delivers on the continuing mystery, making me question every little thing that is happening, making me speculate every possible option that could happen, and also has great humor, and well done chemistry between the cast, and it continues to show why it is the best show on TV.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 1 Episode 2: Adrift: Review

 While the pacing really sucks in this episode, it still has plenty of great performances, a great mystery surrounding it, an epic scope, building up the arrival of Sauron, and great visual effects to make it a good episode.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

7 out of 10 

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 1 Episode 1: A Shadow of the Past: Review

 While the lack of action scenes is a problem, Amazon's Lord of the Rings series starts out very strong due to its story line, mysterious and dreadful feeling, strong performances from the cast, scope that spreads far and wide, and the buildup to the dark lord Sauron.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: Season 1 Episode 3: The People vs. Emil Blonsky

 The only good thing about this episode was the hint that Kingpin is showing up, and the hint that more cameos, outside of Daredevil, are coming. Other than that, this episode was so dull, stupid, and boring.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

2 out of 10 

Stargirl: Season 3 Episode 1: The Murder: Review

 Stargirl's return is the perfect way to reintroduce yourself with the whole gang, while teasing the murder mystery story line that looks to be exciting.

The opening montage was downright perfect, and hilarious. I loved how they reminded everyone who is still in Blue Valley, and what their profession is. 

Zeek is once again building something for S.T.R.I.P.E., and I cannot wait to see what it is. 

Sportsmaster, Tigress, and Artemis taking a run together made me bust a gut when I saw a sticker on their car that said, "Our daughter is an honor student at Blue Valley High School." 

The Gambler returning and picking up discarded trash was the perfect callback to episode 6 of season 1, when Tigress told the Gambler to pick up trash he had thrown on the ground, and not in the garbage.

Yolanda not walking in Cindy's direction is the perfect way to show how they will act towards each other this season, and I cannot wait to watch it unfold.

Cindy helping the old lady with her groceries shows that she is making a lot of progress towards wanting to be good. I hope the team starts trusting her this season.

Jakeem starting to go faster on his bike after throwing the daily paper to the Shade was the perfect way to reintroduce the Shade to let us know that he still around.

Starman telling Courtney how he came back to life has me suspicious. While it could be true, I feel that there is more going on than either he knows, or he is letting on to Courtney. Should be interesting to see how that pans out.

Courtney and Pat arguing over whether or not they should lock the door to keep the Crocks out was downright hilarious. Brec Bassinger and Luke Wilson have not lost any of their chemistry from the first 2 seasons.

The Gambler arriving at the Whitmore-Dugan house, and telling them that he is trying to reform so that he can be a good role model for his daughter, who he has never met before, was a very heartfelt moment. Courtney knows what that is like, so she believed him immediately.

What made the scene more interesting, was the fact that there was a camera hidden somewhere in the house. Who put it there is the big question. My money is on either Mister Bones, Starman, Todd Rice / Obsidian, or some other villain.

Sportsmaster waking up Pat and Courtney at 5:30 AM to make them a drink was downright hilarious. Neil Hopkins has not lost his charm as Sportsmaster at all. I am looking forward to watching him interact with the gang more often.

The Shade trying a new batch of tea that a waitress made for him was the funniest part in the episode! Jonathan Cake is still charismatic as the Shade, and his facial expressions after trying the nasty tea were downright perfect.

The Gambler arriving to try and mend his relationship with the Shade was a perfect scene. The Shade telling the Gambler to get out and then threatening him with his powers shows that Shade will never trust anyone from the ISA again.

The Shade noticing that some kind of green energy coming out of his black powers was very interesting. I believe that it has something to do with either Jenny or her brother Todd. I need it answered soon!

The lunch scene in the cafeteria was a great moment. Cindy and Yolanda arguing about her, Cindy, joining the ISA was perfect. I am looking forward to their interactions a lot more this season. 

Beth's parents showing her their new designs for her suit was exciting. I hope it looks like her suit from the comics!

Artemis showing up and calling them team was perfect. Stella Smith is going to be a lot of fun to watch this season as Artemis! Hope she does a lot this season.

Tigress showing up at Barbara's office was a perfect scene. Tigress is almost the complete opposite of her husband, and she is a lot more intimidating than him also. Looking forward to watching her and Barbara interact more this season.

Courtney, Yolanda, Beth, Rick, and Cindy trying to stop a group of robbers and then watching Artemis beat them all up was the best scene in the episode. The song they played was perfect, and Cindy's facial expressions during the scene were perfect! 

The JSA meeting up at Pat's garage was another hilarious scene. Meg DeLacy absolutely stole the show this entire episode with her facial expressions, and her snarky attitude. Her telling the team that they should meet at her house because she has wine was the icing on the cake. 

The Gambler trying to write a letter to his daughter, but then noticing that someone was spying on the entire town via his computer was a chilling scene. While looking for the camera, he finds it, but then he is attacked by an unseen creature. Earlier in the episode, you could see the backside of someone, it was blurred so I couldn't get a clear view, watching the Gambler. I have a gut feeling that the person who was spying, and attacked the Gambler was Todd Rice / Obsidian.

The JSA finding Cindy standing over the Gambler's dead body with his gun was exactly what I knew would happen. While it is pretty obvious that Cindy didn't kill him, I knew the Gambler would be the one to die. I called it yesterday afternoon.

As to who killed him, I still believe that it was Todd Rice / Obsidian. I could be wrong, but it makes way too much sense.

Starman is going to blame the Shade, and the Crocks for this, and he will fight both groups. Please do not kill any of them!

Had a blast with this episode, and I hope that the rest of the season continues to live up to the hype set by the last 2 seasons!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10 

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...