Wednesday, July 13, 2022

2022 Blaster Tv Show Awards

 Best Fight:

2022 Blaster Tv Show Award Nominations

Best Fight: Johnny Lawrence Vs Daniel LaRusso (Cobra Kai), Hawk Vs Robby (Cobra Kai), Darth Vader Vs Reva (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Jordan Kent and Natalie Irons Vs Bizarro Lana and Bizarro Jonathan (Superman & Lois), Obi-Wan Vs Darth Vader: Round 2 (Obi-Wan Kenobi),

Best Episode: The Rise (Cobra Kai), From the Desert Comes a Stranger (The Book of Boba Fett), The Massacre at Hawkins Lab (Stranger Things), Part III (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Part V (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Best Villain: Arthur Harrow (Moon Knight), Henry Creel/ 001/ Vecna (Stranger Things), Deathstorm (The Flash), Eobard Thawne/ Reverse-Flash (The Flash), Darth Vader (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Best Special Guest: Adam Rayner (Superman & Lois), Florence Pugh (Hawkeye), Rupert Friend (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Hayden Christensen (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Tom Cavanagh (The Flash)

Best Supporting Actress: Peyton List (Cobra Kai), Danielle Panabaker (The Flash), Sadie Sink (Stranger Things), Viven Lyra Blair (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Inde Navarrette (Superman & Lois)

Best Supporting Actor: Thomas Ian Griffith (Cobra Kai), Ethan Hawke (Moon Knight), Joseph Quinn (Stranger Things), Jamie Campbell Bower (Stranger Things), Alex Garfin (Superman & Lois)

Best Actress: Hailee Steinfeld (Hawkeye), Millie Bobby Brown (Stranger Things), Elizabeth Tulloch (Superman & Lois), Moses Ingram (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Iman Vellani (Ms. Marvel)

Best Actor: Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), Ralph Macchio (Cobra Kai), William Zabka (Cobra Kai), Oscar Isaac (Moon Knight), Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Best Show: Cobra Kai: Season 4, Moon Knight, The Book of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Stranger Things: Season 4

Best TV Moment of 2022: Cad Bane Returns (The Book of Boba Fett), Darth Vader Tells Obi-Wan That Anakin is Dead (Obi-Wan Kenobi), "I am Deathstorm" (The Flash), Vecna Origins (Stranger Things), Sarah Finds Out Jordan Has Powers (Superman & Lois)

2022 Tv Show Scores

 Hawkeye  91%

Cobra Kai: Season 4  93%

The Book of Boba Fett  96%

Moon Knight  93%

Superman & Lois: Season 2  89%

Obi-Wan Kenobi  100%

The Flash: Season 8  79%

Stranger Things: Season 4  92%

Ms. Marvel  78%

Top 10 Moments From Ms. Marvel: Season 1


Top 10 Moments From Stranger Things: Season 4


Top 10 Moments From Superman & Lois: Season 2


Top 10 Moments From The Flash: Season 8


Top 10 Moments From Moon Knight: Season 1


Top 10 Moments From The Book of Boba Fett: Season 1


Top 10 Moments From Hawkeye: Season 1



Top 10 Moments From Cobra Kai: Season 3


Top 10 Moments From Obi-Wan Kenobi: Season 1


Ms. Marvel: Season 1: Review

 While it has some major flaws, the show has plenty of ambition to make it a fun and exciting ride!

The story line had some obvious flaws, such as the pacing and the villains (Who I found very uninteresting!), it had plenty of humor, ambition, heart, and a couple of shocking twists to make up for it!

The character development was decent! How they portrayed Kamala Khan/ Ms. Marvel was very relatable! While the villains could have been written better, how they portrayed Kamala's friends and family was much deeper than I was expecting!

The visuals were very unique! I was so impressed with how they made the show feel like a true comic book! Wish all the MCU content was like this!

Ms. Marvel being revealed to be a Mutant was something I did not see coming! I was also not expecting Brie Larson to show up as Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel! Hope the next Captain Marvel movie is good!

Out of 100% I would give it...

78% out of 100% 

Stranger Things: Season 4: Review

Nearly beats out the 1st season as the best season.

The story lines flowed very well! I loved watching how all the different story lines ended up connecting to each other in the end! Vecna was the best part about this season, and I am looking forward to watching him and 11 go at it one more time! If the season had a little bit more of intense and had more jump scares, this would have been my favorite season!

The character development was outstanding! Loved seeing Hopper play a very different kind of role, but one that worked so well! I was not expecting Vecna to have a deep origin story, and my goodness was it shocking!

The acting was outstanding! Millie Bobby Brown continues to be the best actor in the show, while Sadie Sink was a much bigger standout than I was expecting. Newcomers Joseph Quinn and Jamie Campbell Bowers stole the show! Quinn had the best lines, while Bowers played a much more sinister role than I was expecting! Matthew Modine was very underrated as Dr. Martin Brenner as well!

The plot twist and reveals were well written! I was so glad that we finally got confirmation as to who 001 was, and I had a feeling that 001 was going to be the big bad of the whole show! Dr. Martin Brenner returning was something I saw coming, but not in the way that it happened!

The 5th season looks like it will be a blood bath, and I have to prepare myself to say goodbye to the show, and certain characters that I really like! Hope the show ends on a high note!

Out of 100% I would give it...

92% out of 100%

The Flash: Season 8: Review

 While I hated a lot of things about this season, it entertained me a lot more than the previous 2 seasons!

I was not a fan of the Armageddon story line! I thought it was dull, and lacked any kind of ambition. The only thing that I liked about it was the performances of Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/ The Flash) and Tom Cavanagh (Eobard Thawne/ Reverse-Flash).

The Deathstorm story line was so much better than I was expecting! That was my favorite story line of the season! It had so many plot twists that I did not see coming, it was also neat seeing Ronnie return, Danielle Panabaker absolutely knocked it out of the park as Caitlin Snow and Killer Frost, and the death on Killer Frost was a major gut punch that I did not see coming!

The Negative Forces story line had some flaws, mainly the lack of action scenes, but it was a very entertaining story line as well! I loved seeing Matt Letscher return as Eobard Thawne, but I enjoyed him better as a villain!

For the 9th season, I really hope that Cobalt Blue is the villain, and I really want to see what is going to happen with Caitlin Snow trying to bring Killer Frost back!

Out of 100% I would give it...

79% out of 100%

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Season 1: Review

 Obi-Wan Kenobi had everything I wanted, and I could not have been happier with the way that it ended!

The story line was perfect! It helped fill in a lot of questions that I had with stuff that may have happened between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. The show also makes me really enjoy the Original Trilogy more, cause of some details that they had!

The character development on Obi-Wan Kenobi, Princess Leia, Darth Vader, and Reva/ The Third Sister was so much deeper than I was expecting! Leia was very sassy, as she was in the Original Trilogy, and I loved how Kenobi was written very similar to Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi! Vader was as ruthless as I remember!

The acting by the cast was outstanding! Ewan McGregor knocked it out of the park as Kenobi, while Hayden Christensen acted the heck out of his scene as Vader! Rupert Grint was very entertaining as the Grand Inquisitor, and I hope to see him portray the character again at some point!

The action scenes were outstanding! The fights between Vader and Obi-Wan were exactly what I was hoping for, and they had a lot of emotion to them as well, which I was hoping for as well! 

While I do not need a 2nd season of Obi-Wan, and I not opposed to getting one! I hope it has more Clone Wars flashbacks, and it is about Obi-Wan being trained by Qui-Gon Jinn!

Out of 100% I would give it...

100% out of 100% 

Superman & Lois: Season 2: Review

 While a major step down from the first season, Superman & Lois' 2nd season is still a fun and emotional show!

The story line had some great moments! While the decision to add forced drama between Sarah and Jordan, and Lana and Kyle left a sour taste in my mouth, the show had plenty of heart to keep it interesting week after week! The Inverse world was a concept that I loved seeing so much!

The villain, Ally Alston/ Parasite, was a major step down from Morgan Edge, Tal-Rho. While she had an interesting concept, I found Bizarro Jonathan to be a more entertaining villain than her! 

The acting by the cast was outstanding! The major standout was Alex Garfin as Jordan Kent, Alex owned every scene that he was given! Adam Rayner stole the show as Tal-Rho, and I hope to see more of him in the 2nd season!

The character development was good and bad! I hated the character development on Lana, and Sarah (Only because they almost forced a possible LGBT scenario, and her anger at Jordan was not for a good reason), though Sarah got better towards the end of the season! The best character developments came from Jordan and Tal-Rho!

They have so much set up for a third season, and I really hope that they are building up to the arrival of Darkseid in the 4th season! John Henry Irons might get his own show very soon as well, that would be an interesting concept that could easily work.

Out of 100% I would give it...

89% out of 100%

Moon Knight: Season 1: Review

 While I am not familiar with the character, Moon Knight is no doubt the best live action MCU series!

The story line was very serious, which I loved! I loved how it was a mystery series that had a lot of heart, and always kept you guessing as to what was going on! Only problem that I had was the pacing!

The acting by Ethan Hawke and Oscar Isaac was outstanding! Oscar Isaac did a great job at playing 3 different roles, and Ethan Hawke absolutely stole the show as Arthur Harrow!

While the pacing stunk, when we did get action scenes they were outstanding, and surprisingly brutal! The visual effects looked amazing as well!

In terms of a 2nd season, they definitely have the potential to move forward with an even darker season!

Out of 100% I would give it...

93% out of 100% 

The Book of Boba Fett: Season 1: Review

 The Book of Boba Fett was a surprisingly great show that featured so many things I never expected!

The story line was fun! While I was mixed on the Street Gang (Also known as the ripoff Power Rangers gang), I was glad that they actually contributed to the plot, and were not just there to be onlookers! 

The return of The Mandalorian, Luke Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano were some of the bigger things that I did not see coming at all! But the biggest shock, was the live action introduction of the famous bounty hunter Cad Bane! How they characterized Boba and Fennec was perfect IMO! 

The action scenes were exciting and brutal! Loved the fight scene between Mando and the Butcher gang, and the tag team of Mando and Boba vs the Pykes was fun and exciting!

In terms of a 2nd season, I see a potential story line they could go with that involves Cad Bane (He is still alive IMO) and the return of Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu! Hope we get a 2nd season announcement soon!

Out of 100% I would give it...

96% out of 100% 

Cobra Kai: Season 4: Review

 Cobra Kai's 4th season is no doubt the best one yet!

The overall story line was everything I wanted! It was so neat watching how they were able to tie everything together by the finale! The plot twists at the end were things I couldn't even fathom them doing! The humor worked so well also, it didn't feel forced or poorly written!

The character development was outstanding! How they developed Terry Silver, Hawk, Tory, and Robby Keene was the best part of the series! Making Terry Silver have a lot of depth to him was something I had hoped for, and I am so glad that it was not a let down!

The action scenes were some of their best yet! The standout fights were between Daniel and Johnny, Hawk and Robby, and Tory and Samantha! Hope they continue to keep it up!

Only small problem that I had was some romantic drama between Sam, Miguel, Robby, and Tory! Hope they get rid of it next season!

They have so much set for a 5th season, and I really hope that they do not screw it up!

Out of 100% I would give it...

93% out of 100%

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...