Wow. The fire Meta story line is a very good arch! I am very impressed with how the story line has actually made this new Meta a threat. Brandon McKnight knocked it out of the park in this episode. It was very suspenseful. As to who the fire Meta is, I have a gut feeling that it could be Ronnie!
Iris' story line was really good as well. I loved seeing Sue Dearbon return, (I still miss Hartley Sawyer as Ralph Dibny also). The title of the episode did not refer to Chester seeing a ghost, it referred to the arrival of a new character called Tinya Wazzo aka Phantom Girl. I am interested in seeing what kind of role she will play in the future.
What in the heck is going on with Iris' time sickness? I have heard rumors that Eddie Thawne will return, and that he will be Cobalt Blue, so could it be that her sickness has something to do with Eddie returning? We shall see.
This was one of the best episodes of the show ever! I am really impressed with how this story line has kept me on edge, and intrigued at the same time!
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10