Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Flash: Season 8 Episode 9: Phantoms: Review

 Wow. The fire Meta story line is a very good arch! I am very impressed with how the story line has actually made this new Meta a threat. Brandon McKnight knocked it out of the park in this episode. It was very suspenseful. As to who the fire Meta is, I have a gut feeling that it could be Ronnie!

Iris' story line was really good as well. I loved seeing Sue Dearbon return, (I still miss Hartley Sawyer as Ralph Dibny also). The title of the episode did not refer to Chester seeing a ghost, it referred to the arrival of a new character called Tinya Wazzo aka Phantom Girl. I am interested in seeing what kind of role she will play in the future.

What in the heck is going on with Iris' time sickness? I have heard rumors that Eddie Thawne will return, and that he will be Cobalt Blue, so could it be that her sickness has something to do with Eddie returning? We shall see.

This was one of the best episodes of the show ever! I am really impressed with how this story line has kept me on edge, and intrigued at the same time!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Moon Knight: Season 1 Episode 1: The Goldfish Problem: Review

 While I am not very familiar with the character of Moon Knight, the MCU's new show has a great setup, plenty of well written humor, an intriguing mystery surrounding it, a great musical score, and strong performances from Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke. A great start to this serious, and I am loving the tone, and how while this is set in the MCU, it will not have any direct ties the MCU.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

My Top 10 Predictions For Cobra Kai: Season 5

 10. Mike Barnes will return.

9. Kreese will find a way to get out of prison, and he then teams up with Johnny.

8. Terry will have a major battle with Chozen.

7. Tory will leave Cobra Kai, and side with Daniel.

6. Tory's mom will die, and she will move in with the LaRussos.

5. Anthony will train to help defend himself against Kenny and the other Cobra Kai gang members.

4. Johnny's friends will return and help him take down Cobra Kai.

3. Chozen will open his own Karate Dojo.

2. Tory's father will be revealed to be Mike Barnes or Dutch.

1. Kreese reveals to Johnny that he is his father.

Superman & Lois: Season 2 Episode 9: 30 Days and 30 Nights: Review

 First off, poor Jordan, but he will probably save Sarah towards the end of the season, and the 3rd season will be about her coming to terms with what and who he is, and they will reconcile. I hope at least. While the writing this season for their relationship has had some major flaws, they are still a cute couple and they have excellent chemistry, so it would be a shame to not see them reconcile at some point. I also hope that if she does find out Jordan's secret, she reacts the same way Thea did in Arrow when Oliver revealed to her that he was the Green Arrow.

Anyways, while it felt weird not seeing Superman in the episode hardly at all, tonight's episode was still a good one, due to the reveal that Bizarro Jonathan has arrived on their Earth, Jonathan finally spilling who was selling the drugs, Jordan using his powers to save people, and a shocking ending that raises so many questions!


Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

My Top 10 Predictions For Stargirl: Season 3

 10. The Helix Institute brought Starman back to life.

9. Jennie and her brother will leave Blue Valley at the end of the season to find the other children of the original JSA team, thus setting the stage for a new team called Infinity, Inc. (This could potentially set up a spin-off show.)

8. Sportsmaster will train Mike.

7. Cameron will become a villain, but change sides towards the end of the season, because of his love for Courtney.

6. Cameron's grandparents will die by the hand of either the Helix group, or Jennie's brother, Todd Rice/Obsidian.

5. Mike Dugan and Artemis Crock will fall in love with each other, causing major conflict within their families.

4. Yolanda and Rick will become a couple.

3. The Shining Knight will return with the other members of the 7 Soldiers of Victory.

2. Yolanda's cousin, Alex, will discover Yolanda's secret.

1. Cindy will die, in the arms of Courtney and Yolanda, towards the end of the season.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Flash: Season 8 Episode 8: The Fire Next Time: Review

 While predictable, the story line involving the fire Meta-Human had plenty of heart to it, and Danielle Panabaker and Grant Gustin absolutely knocked it out of the park with their performances! It was also very interesting to find out that they are not done with this story line, and it will continue next week! Danielle Panabaker is so good as Killer Frost, and she is gorgeous as well, had to write this, she has always been my favorite female lead on the show since the beginning, and my 2nd favorite leading actress in the Arrowverse (Behind only Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, who is also very beautiful!).

The story line involving Iris, Allegra, and Allegra's coworker was interesting. I am very interested to see how this girl plans on taking down Allegra, for a petty reason. Hope she gets fired!

Still waiting for Robbie to return!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8 out of 10

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Superman & Lois: Season 2 Episode 8: Into Oblivion: Review

 Crud! I am getting too worried about this show. I hate the fact that they want to make Aubrey a main character in the show, and if that is the case, I am done with this show. I am on edge, so I will only write short reviews from now on, unless they get rid of her. Hope her and Jonathan get together, and that Sarah and Jordan will stick together.

Anyways, on to the review. Episode 8 of Superman & Lois has some great humor, and leaves a sense of mystery to the series, but the episode fails to advance the plot, and some of the story lines in this episode were dull and boring. Wasn't too pleased with this episode, mainly because it is back after a 2 week break.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

7 out of 10

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Flash: Season 8 Episode 7: Lockdown: Review

 Until the series finale, Flash from now on will only have short reviews, do to the fact that I am only watching this show because I have watched it from day 1.

While the Goldface story line is predictable, episode 7 of The Flash has plenty of heart, humor, interesting concepts going forward (mainly what is going on with Iris), and Danielle Panabaker's story line and dual performance as Caitlin Snow and Killer Frost. Looking forward to seeing what happens with Caitlin and Iris!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

7 out of 10

Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Flash: Season 8 Episode 6: Impulsive Excessive Disorder: Review

 While the title character is barely in the episode, Jessica Parker-Kennedy and Jordan Fisher are able to hold their own very well!

Nora and Bart finding out that they changed the timeline to where Jay Garrick is alive was a huge surprise! It was neat seeing John Wesley Shipp again, I love how they have never showed a future Barry Allen. I wonder if Barry is retired at this point?

Nora and Bart realizing that they changed the timeline too much and them arguing about it was hilarious! Fisher and Parker-Kennedy have such excellent chemistry, and I hope that they continue to use them more!

Nora and Bart time traveling and meeting Eddie Thawne was a perfect scene! Rick Cosnett has not lost his charm after all of these years! Too bad they never made him a villain from another Earth, but not something I will complain about!

Joe getting shot down by Cecille was laugh out loud funny! Eddie talking to Joe about it was hilarious as well! Wish we had gotten more interaction between Eddie and Joe!

Bart meeting a girl named Avery was funny! Bart no doubt had love at first sight! Glad to see that they are developing Bart a lot more, due to the fact that all of season 5 was about Nora!

Nora and Bart having to take down the Royal Flush Gang in order to fix the timeline was a great scene! Glad to see the Gang used again! Nora and Bart are a great team! Hope to see them more again!

The ending with Barry about to take the whole team to Paris was a great ending for multiple reasons! 1. Caitlin now has a boyfriend named Mark or Marcus! Wonder if he is someone important and what kind of role he could play! 2. Caitlin mentioning that her and Chillblaine are a couple now made me bust up laughing! 3. The timeline changed once again! What have you done Nora and Bart?!

The only small problems I had was that we should have had Eddie in the episode for a little while longer, and they missed out on an opportunity to have Tom Cavanagh reprise his role as Eobard Thawne!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10 

Best episode of this show since season 7!

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Superman & Lois: Season 2 Episode 7: Anti-Hero: Review

 Saw Batman again, and watched this episode late, so I will not write a full review!

Tonight's episode of Superman & Lois was easily one of their best! The interactions between Superman, Bizarro, and Tal-Rho were easily the best part of this episode! Adam Rayner is still my favorite actor in the show, and tonight's episode proved it! The story line involving Lois and the twins was such a great story line, Jonathan had it coming, and I cannot believe he covered for his girlfriend! Bizarro better not be dead!!!! Anderson is now my most hated character in the series, and I hope he gets the living daylights beat out of him in the finale!

Had it not been for the interaction between Sarah and the girl she kissed at camp which is only going to cause more stupid drama, this would have been my favorite episode. 

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.5 out of 10

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Superman & Lois: Season 2 Episode 6: Tried and True: Review

Too tired to write a full review. 

While the plot surrounding Bizarro and Ally doesn't advance at all, tonight's episode of Superman & Lois has plenty of heart, Jordan figuring out the secret that Jonathan has been hiding, the return of Lucy Lane who is excellently played by Jenna Dewan, and the shocking ending between Superman and the DoD. 

Tal-Rho is returning!!!! So looking forward to seeing him back!!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8.5 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...