Secrets are revealed in tonight's return of Superman & Lois.
The opening with a young Ally shocked me due to the reveal that she has a necklace similar to the one that Bizarro has. We need more backstory on this! I know that she is supposed to be Parasite (Who I am not very familiar with), but maybe she is Granny Goodness in disguise! Again, pure speculation on my part!
Chrissy meeting with Ally and getting drugged by her was a very revealing scene. Chrissy seeing another world due to the necklace was wild! They do see their other selves, but in a Bizarro world! What the heck is going on!
The Cushings preparing for Sarah's QuinceaƱera was a great scene. I love the Cushings, but knowing that the revelation that Kyle had an affair was going to leak, made me sad. I love Lana and Kyle, and I knew that this reveal was going to be heartbreaking for Lana and Sarah!
Sam Lane training Jordan was an interesting scene. Jonathan taking X-Kryptonite and beating Jordan and taunting him was sad to watch. Jordan really does care about Jonathan, and seeing Jonathan be mean to him like that was heartbreaking. The X-Kryptonite is affecting Jonathan's attitude!
Lois figuring out that the Dr. she met at the mines is a follower of Ally was a shocking reveal. Lois then going to the mines and seeing Bizarro kill the Dr. shocked me. He clearly recognized Lois before he left! Maybe he is married to her in his Bizarro world!
Superman and Lois protecting Ally from Bizarro, and then having Superman fight Bizarro was an epic scene. Bizarro having heat breath, and ice vision was something I did not see coming (That or it was in the last episode and I just don't remember it LOL). One thing I noticed, Bizarro was not wearing the necklace when he fought Superman, and they did not get these weird visions around each other! The necklace was what was causing the visions between Superman and Bizarro!
Chrissy tells Lois that when she was drugged that she saw Ally, and in this world she was the one ruling it was a shocking twist! Ally is the main villain of this season! Parasite is the one they decided to go with! Hope that Tal-Rho comes back soon to help him take her down!
Sarah and Jordan overhearing Kyle and the bartender at her party was something I knew was coming! Sarah then breaking down in tears over it, and telling her mother brought out a very realistic reaction from Sarah, and Inde Navarrette's acting was her best yet. I feel so bad for Lana and Sarah, going to be hard for them to get over this!
The A.I. of Superman's mother (Her name escapes me at the moment) running tests on Bizarro and making him speak proper English was the best scene in the episode! Bizarro telling Superman that he is trying to protect his world, and Superman's world from Ally was something I did not see coming! Bizarro then tells Superman that they have to kill Ally is going to be interesting going forward!
Tal-Rho might play a role in helping them take down Parasite, but we shall see! While Parasite might be a good villain, I am a tad bit disappointed that it is not Brainiac! But oh well, not going to affect my rating. I do hope that Darkseid is mentioned at the end of the season. But I really think that they will adapt the Death of Superman next season, and then go with Darkseid after this! Looking forward to seeing what this show has planned!
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10