Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Book of Boba Fett: Season 1 Episode 5: Return of the Mandalorian: Review

 Episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett is an outstanding episode that features the return of Din Djarin, and features a lot of Easter eggs and callbacks to the prequel and original trilogy! Bryce Dallas Howard's direction in this episode was outstanding, and it had a few callbacks to the Rebels tv show as well! Loved the episode a lot, even if it was odd that Boba Fett didn't show up in this episode at all! I found that weird! Looking forward to watching 

They have clearly set up the story line for Mandalorian season 3, and I am wondering what kind of a role Grogu will play in season 3, if any. Same goes for Bo Katan, Moff Gideon, Luke Skywalker, and Greef Karga.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

On a quick note, one of the droids that Peli Motto had looked like one of the droids that Cal has in the video game Fallen Order! IS CAL DEAD!!!!!!! Please tell me that is not the case! I really want to see him in live action played by the brilliant Cameron Monaghan.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Superman & Lois: Season 2 Episode 3: The Thing in the Mines: Review

 After last week's episode almost made me drop the show, tonight's episode puts my worries to rest... for now!

Jordan, after receiving advice from Natalie Irons, tells his dad that he wants to tell Sarah the truth about his powers made me laugh due to Clark's reaction. Jordan also telling Clark that he wants to marry Sarah made me laugh as well due to the fact that he is only 15, and Clark's reaction as well. Tyler Hoechlin has great comedic timing. Him almost lasering his son was actually pretty scary. Lois, John Henry Irons, and Sam Lane's reaction made me laugh!

Jonathan getting into a fight with his teammate at football practice was a funny part, due to when Jonathan accidentally punched Clark, and Clark had to act like he was knocked out cold. Clark accidentally throwing a helmet into a soda machine, and then having to laser his own hands to protect Jonathan really showcased Tyler Hoechlin's acting ability.

Lois contacting her dad to help find Lucy, Lois' sister, is a story line that I am very interested to see how it progresses. Sam Lane is a very well written character, and I really love the way Dylan Walsh portrays him!

Lana Cushing running for mayor was a story line that I was mixed on. While I am glad that they want to give the Cushings something to do, I was a bit disappointed that she wasn't upset at Sarah for what she did to Jordan. They should have had her get mad at Sarah and tell her to apologize to Jordan. But, it was a minor thing that didn't bother me too much in the end.

Jordan and Sarah reconciling (Even though Jordan is right to be really ticked off at her) was a huge sigh of relief for me. And I will keep saying this, Jordan and Sarah are my 2nd favorite couple in the Arrowverse, and Alex Garfin and Inde Navarrette's chemistry is sweet and charming. The writers did an excellent job at casting these two. Please do not ruin their relationship anymore!!!!

Jonathan, after finding out that the starting QB is taking drugs that Jonathan's girlfriend is selling to help her family pay off their bills, approaching his girlfriend at the end to buy drugs from her is going to come back and bite him the rear. I am wondering if the drugs he wants to buy are some kind of Kryptonite that will unlock his powers? Either way, Lois is going to kill him when she finds out he bought drugs.

The creature escaping from the mines was the best part. The reveal that it is Bizarro and not Doomsday was an excellent plot twist!!! I am looking forward to watching Tyler Hoechlin play this role and seeing how they write Bizarro!

With it still being early in the season, they have to have a lot more twists planned. I still think that Brainiac will arrive and be the main villain this season. I am glad that Doomsday is not the villain, simply because now they can wait until the 3rd, 4th, or even the 5th season to adapt the Death of Superman story line. This way Superman's death is a lot more impactful! Looking forward to seeing what the writers have planned for the rest of the season!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Book of Boba Fett: Season 1 Episode 4: The Gathering Storm: Review

Boba Fett's 4th episode finishes the flashbacks, and continues to build up to a massive fight scene more and more! I loving this show's direction, and the brutality of it. It also feels more like a gangster series, than a Sci-Fi series! And I am fine with that! Fennec is such a well written character as well.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.5 out of 10

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Book of Boba Fett: Season 1 Episode 3: The Streets of Mos Espa: Review

 While the new gang feels like an unnecessary addition, Boba Fett's 3rd episode delivers on the stunning flashbacks, a great cameo from Danny Trejo, advancing the story line very well, and revealing who the villains are this season.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8.5 out of 10 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Superman & Lois: Season 2 Episode 1: What Lies Beneath: Review

 Superman & Lois' season 2 premier has so much potential going forward, and I am loving the direction, and that ending is building up to what I think will be an adaptation of one of the most popular Superman comics of all time.

Lois struggling with her feelings to seeing Natalie Irons (John Henry Irons/Steel's daughter) at the end of season 1 really brought out some of Bitsie Tulloch's best acting. I expected the show to cover this aspect of the story line, but it was much more serious than I was expecting. Good job on the writers for how they handled the situation.

Lois walking in on Jonathan and his new girlfriend was laugh out loud hilarious, mainly due to Lois' reaction. Jordan Elsass did a great job, and the dialogue in this scene was funny. I have to admit though, I was disappointed that Tegan was not the one with him, since I really liked their chemistry together, but this aspect of the story line will not affect my review.

Sarah, who went to some kind of camp, returning to Smallville was not what I was expecting. She is definitely hiding something, and I wonder what it is. They need to keep Sarah and Jordan together, mainly due to the fact that their chemistry is sweet and charming. 

Superman dealing with a new head of the DoD was another thing I was not expecting. The new head creating a new team is very interesting. Definitely building up to an adaptation of Reign of the Supermen. Looking forward to watching this story line play out. I was expecting a lot more action scenes though, only thing I was upset about with this episode.

Superman dealing with visions has only 3 outcomes in my opinion. 1. Zod will be arriving. I think this due to the fact that the way his mind was being messed with reminded me of when Zod tried to take over his mind. 2. Brainiac is coming. I think this due to the fact that Brainiac messes with your brain. 3. Superman has some kind of a connection to Doomsday, and that is why he is having these visions.

Lana and Kyle Cushing helping a new Mayoral candidate is not what I was expecting. I really thought that Lana was going to run for Mayor, maybe she still will, I do not know. 

The ending with the cause of the earthquakes being revealed to be a creature at the bottom of the mines confirmed one of my predictions! Doomsday is arriving. That means that they could be adapting the Death of Superman comic book story line! So glad that it is Doomsday coming!

I really think that Tal-Rho will end up teaming up with Superman towards the end of the season! And I also think that it is possible that Superman will die at the end of the season, and Jordan will end up becoming Superboy at the end, and filling in, until Superman returns from the dead. Another possibility is that Tal-Rho will die instead of Superman, and it will be a redemption arch for him!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Monday, January 10, 2022

The Book of Boba Fett: Season 1 Episode 2: The Tribes of Tatooine: Review

 While not as gritty as the first episode, Boba Fett's second episode still has plenty of intrigue, and excitement to continue making this one of the best shows on!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...