Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Flash: Season 8 Episode 3: Armageddon, Part 3: Review

 Another boring episode that only benefits from the confirmation that Reverse-Flash has indeed returned, and he has very much so enacted a master plan!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

4 out of 10

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Hawkeye: Season 1 Episode 2: Hide and Seed: Review

 Episode 2 of Hawkeye has so much intrigue and mystery surrounding it, and the chemistry between Hailee Steinfeld and Jeremy Renner is enough to make this episode even better than the last episode. Hoping to see Kingpin arrive, but I loved seeing the arrival of Echo.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.5 out of 10

Hawkeye: Season 1 Episode 1: Never Meet Your Heroes: Review

 While slow, Hawkeye's premier episode has plenty of well written humor, a very good tone, strong characterization, powerful emotion, and excellent performances from Hailee Steinfeld and Jeremy Renner to set up a potentially fun and well written series.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8.5 out of 10

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Flash: Season 8 Episode 2: Armageddon, Part 2: Review

 While the plot twists are stellar, and it manages to hold my attention somewhat well, I still feel that something is missing from this crossover. The Reverse-Flash is on the loose again, and I am looking forward to seeing him again!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

6.8 out of 10

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Flash: Season 8 Episode 1: Armageddon, Part 1: Review

 Though the humor sticks, the cast is outstanding, and it has a solid buildup happening, Flash's season 8 premier is a slow and boring start to the next crossover.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

6 out of 10

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

2021 Blaster Tv Show Award Nominations

 Best Fight: Johnny Lawrence and Daniel Larusso Vs John Kreese and Robby Keene (Cobra Kai: Season 3), Flash and Reverse Flash Vs Godspeed (The Flash: Season 7), Falcon and Winter Soldier Vs Captain John Walker (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier), The Mandalorian Vs Moff Gideon (The Mandalorian Season 3), JSA Vs ISA Unlimited (Stargirl: Season 2)

Best Episode: Summer School: Chapter 13 (Stargirl Season 2), A Brief Reminiscence In-Between Cataclysmic Events (Superman and Lois Season 1), Summer School: Chapter 6 (Stargirl: Season 2), Return to Kamino (Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1), Heart of the Matter, Part 2 (The Flash: Season 7),

Best Villain: Eclipso (Stargirl Season 2), Tal-Rho (Superman and Lois: Season 1), Godspeed (The Flash: Season 7), Agatha Harkness (WandaVision), Moff Gideon (The Mandalorian: Season 2)

Best Special Guest: Jonathan Cake (Stargirl: Season 2), Christopher James Baker (Stargirl: Season 2), Rosario Dawson (The Mandalorian: Season 2), Temuera Morrison (The Mandalorian: Season 2), Jessica Parker Kennedy (The Flash: Season 7),

Best Supporting Actress: Yvette Monreal (Stargirl: Season 2), Danielle Panabaker (The Flash: Season 7), Anjelika Washington (Stargirl: Season 2), Meg DeLacy (Stargirl: Season 2), Emmanuelle Chriqui (Superman and Lois: Season 1),

Best Supporting Actor: Martin Kove (Cobra Kai: Season 3),  Adam Rayner (Superman and Lois: Season 1), Wyatt Russell (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier), Luke Wilson (Stargirl: Season 2), Trae Romano (Stargirl Season 2),

Best Actress: Elizabeth Olsen (WandaVison), Bitsie Tulloch (Superman and Lois: Season 1), Brec Bassinger (Stargirl: Season 1), Mary Mouser (Cobra Kai: Season 3), Candice Patton (The Flash: Season 7),

Best Actor: Tyler Hoechlin (Superman and Lois: Season 1), William Zabka (Cobra Kai: Season 3), Ralph Macchio (Cobra Kai: Season 3), Sebastian Stan (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier), Grant Gustin (The Flash: Season 7),

Best Show: Stargirl: Season 2, Superman and Lois: Season 1, Cobra Kai, The Mandalorian: Season 2, WandaVison

Best Tv Moment of 2021: Flash and Reverse-Flash Vs Godspeed (The Flash: Season 7), Luke Skywalker Arrives (The Mandalorian: Season 2), Tal-Rho Destroys the Fortress of Solitude (Superman and Lois: Season 1), Frenemies (Stargirl: Season 2), John Kreese and Robby Keene Vs Daniel and Johnny (Cobra Kai: Season 3)

Stargirl: Season 2: Review

 Stargirl season 2 somehow manages to improve on the first season in everyway, while delivering a season full of excellent humor, a strong tonal change, powerful character development, great performances from its cast, particularly Jonathan Cake and Brec Bassinger, exciting action scenes, outstanding visual effects, stunning plot twists, and setting up a third season that could be even better!!!! Greatest season ever for a show. Yes, better than Stargirl season 1, and Gotham season 5. I would not ask for anything different!!!!!!

Out of 100% I would give it...

100% out of 100%

Superman and Lois: Season 1: Review

 Superman and Lois' premier season is a surprisingly fun and emotional ride that benefits from the well written villain, excellent performances from the entire cast, outstanding writing for the characters (Mainly the twins), some jaw dropping plot twists, excellent visual effects, and powerful action scenes to make this one of the greatest premier seasons for a show ever!

Out of 100% I would give it...

96% out of 100%

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1: Review

 While frustrating at times due to useless filler episodes, and for censoring certain things, the Bad Batch's first season has plenty of emotion, strong characterization on the Bad Batch Clones (mainly Crosshairs), setting a 2nd season that looks to be better, return of several fan favorite characters, and tying into Star Wars: Rebels well!

Out of 100% I would give it...

81% out of 100%

The Flash: Season 7: Review

 Season 7 of the Flash hits a new low for the show, due to its lackluster villains, mostly anti-climatic action scenes, making the flash almost useless, and very weak writing. However, the show does have its perks, such as its performances from the cast, mainly Tom Cavanagh (Who steals the show as Eobard Thawne once again), Danielle Panabaker, and Jessica Parker Kennedy, some surprisingly emotional scenes, well written humor, the treatment of Godspeed, and setting up Reverse-Flash to return once again!

Out of 100% I would give it...

65% out of 100%

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Review

 When the show is not focusing on its stupid political commentary, and trying to make us feel sorry for a villain that has no business getting pity, the show has excellent humor, some well done dark scenes, strong action scenes, and good performances from its overall cast.

Out of 100% I would give it...

75% out of 100%

WandaVison: Review

 While the finale is a huge letdown, WandaVision still has plenty of emotion, excellent visual effects, return of a fan favorite characters, some well written humor, and strong performances from Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, and Kathryn Hahn to make it a fun series.

Out of 100% I would give it...

88% out of 100%

The Mandalorian: Season 2: Review

Season 2 of The Mandalorian manages to overcome most of the previous season's flaws, while delivering plenty of emotion, strong character development, return of several fan favorites, and perfectly setting up plenty of potential spin-off shows in the future.

Out of 100% I would give it...

88% out of 100%

Cobra Kai: Season 3: Review

 While the amount of cursing is unnecessary, Cobra Kai's third season delivers on the outstanding action scenes, plenty of well written humor, powerful character development, excellent performances from its cast, particularly Martin Kove, William Zabka, and Jacob Bertrand, and setting up the fourth season with the return of Terry Silver!

Out of 100% I would give it...

90% out of 100%

Top 10 Moments From Stargirl: Season 2

 10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJBsGgGCyao&ab_channel=MediaMaster

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Stargirl: Season 2 Episode 13: Summer School: Chapter 13: Review

 The season finale of season 2 is outstanding from start to finish, easily making it the best episode of the series!!

Cindy, Yolanda, and Pat having to fight their inner demons was a well done action scene. The show saved their action well, and this fight scene was outstanding. So great watching Wildcat and Shiv back in action.

Courtney, Yolanda, and Shaiv taking on Eclipso was an epic scene. Eclipso did not hold back in this fight, and I loved it. They were no match for Eclipso, obviously!

Mike, Jakeem, and Zeek trying to repair S.T.R.I.P.E. was a hilarious scene. I loved Zeek's reaction to seeing the Thunderbolt! His facial expressions were perfect! I nearly died when the Thunderbolt brought back all kinds of Chinese food, and Zeek started eating it!

Mike (Who was piloting S.T.R.I.P.E.), Jakeem, and Thunderbolt taking on Eclipso was kind of funny. I could not believe how easily Eclipso defeated Thunderbolt! Mike had me dying of laughter when he was beating up Eclipso with S.T.R.I.P.E.

Rick, who could not fix the hourglass in time, brings Solomon Grundy to the battle! Solomon manages to land a couple of solid hits on Eclipso, but Eclipso unleashes his full power and kills Solomon, by blowing a hole in his chest! Loved that Grundy redeemed himself, but was sad when he got killed!

Eclipso then proceeds to break Pat's arm in front of Courtney, and she screams that she hates him. Eclipso then possess Courtney, and becomes what he wanted to become! Nick Tarabay knocked it out of the park in this scene! So glad they used him for the finale!

As Beth watches her parents about to be consumed by the Shadowland, The Shade arrives and saves her family and stops the Shadowlands from coming into the building! Dr. McNider's reaction to seeing the Shade alive and well was priceless. Jonathan Cake manages to steal the show once again, and I am so glad that he is back!

Beth's parents reaction to finding out that their daughter is a superhero was priceless!!! This show does a great job with its humor, and I hope they can continue it into next season!

Cindy and Yolanda then work together to try and steal the staff from the now possessed Courtney! They are of course no match for him! As Eclipso brags that no one can control the staff but him, Starman arrives and takes hold of the staff and tells Courtney to fight back! Finally!!!! Starman returned!!

Courtney manages to eject Eclipso from her body, due to encouragement from Starman, Pat, and Barbara. As Eclipso begins to recover, Sportsmaster, Tigress, and Artemis arrive and manage to subdue him!!!!!! So glad that they brought my favorite family in this show back!!!!!!

The Shade then tells Courtney, Jade, and Jakeem to hurry and destroy Eclipso before he can recover. Courtney and Jade then proceed to blast him with their lights! Jakeem then told the Thunderbolt to toast him, and the Thunderbolt then proceeds to turn Eclipso into actual toast!! That part had me dying of laughter!

In the aftermath, Yolanda decides to return as Wildcat fulltime, and she reconciles with Courtney! Brec Bassinger and Yvette Monreal have such good chemistry, and I love the friendship between their characters.

As Rick is burying Solomon Grundy's corpse, the Shade arrives and tells Rick that Grundy will come back to life if you bury him in the right spot and at the right time! When Rick asks Shade if he will tell him when and where before he, the Shade, leaves town, the Shade tells Rick that he is not leaving Blue Valley, due to the fact that he has grown fond of the town, and the children! So glad that Shade is sticking around!!! I love his character so much!

Cameron Mahkent manages to finish the painting of his father on the side of a building! His grandparents compliment his work, and tell him that it is time for him to know the truth about his father! They then reveal their powers to him! Did not expect the grandfather to have powers, and I am so looking forward to seeing what they decide to do with Cameron going forward!

As Yolanda is leaving church, she is confronted outside by Cindy! Cindy tells Yolanda that she is not leaving Blue Valley, and that she wants her help in convincing Courtney to let her join the JSA. YES!!!!!!!! So looking forward to watching Cindy become a member of the JSA, and seeing how they interact in the future!

As Pat and Courtney discuss how and why Starman is back, Courtney wonders if she will have to give the staff back to Starman. Starman then tells Courtney that he does not want the staff back, and that he will help her learn how to make the staff more powerful!! I am so looking forward to watching Starman train Stargirl next season!!!

As Dr. McNider prepares to leave Blue Valley to search for his wife, Beth tells him where she is, and reveals that when he disappeared, his wife was pregnant, and he has a 10 year old son that he has never met! Dr. McNider then passes the title of Dr. Mid-Nite onto Beth, and tells her that she is perfect! Loved the dynamic between these two, and I really hope that we see more of Dr. McNider next season!!!

While walking through town, Mike tells Jakeem that they should think about forming their own team!! I hope we see these two interact more next season!!!! Loved this scene a lot!

As the Whitmore-Dugan family prepare to have breakfast, Pat and Barbara mention that Starman will be living with them, and will make the basement his room!! Starman will play a huge role next season, and I am so excited to see him and Pat interact more. Plus I need to know how he survived!

While eating breakfast and feeling like everything is going back to their kind of normal, Barbara mentions to Pat, Cortney, and Mike that the house next door sold! Then the doorbell rings, and Pat answers it, and is shocked to see Sportsmaster, Tigress, and Artemis standing at the door. Tigress then offers him muffins, and Sportsmaster tells Pat that they bought the house next door and are neighbors now! The facial expressions from the Whitmore-Dugan family was hilarious, and I could not stop laughing at Courtney's response!!

The show then reveals that the next season will be called Stargirl: Frenemies!!!! Love the title, and I love the direction that they are taking with this show!!!

In a post credits scene, the woman who Jade met, when she was looking for her brother, meets with her employer, and informs him that Todd has a sister and that their are a lot of superheroes in Blue Valley. The villain, who I recognized as Mr. Bones, tells the lady that they will pay a visit to Blue Valley! Mr. Bones will be one of the villains next season, and he is played by Keith David!!! Love the casting decision, and next season is shaping up to be another outstanding season!!!!!

I love this show so much, and I hope they can continue this into next season!!!!!!!

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...