Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Superman & Lois: Season 1 Episode 7: Man of Steel: Review

 Excellent twists keep coming. Man I love this show so far!

The flashbacks involving an evil Superman was so good. The reveal that Captain Luthor is actually Steel from the comics was a twist I did not see coming at all. This shows plot twists are amazing!

Morgan Edge continuing to put his plans into full affect are interesting. I now have a good idea as to what his endgame is, but I could be wrong. We shall see.

Jordan trying to master his hearing abilities was a decent story line. I am wondering if Jonathan will end up getting powers as well.

The show does need to start doing more action scenes, but they are doing very good without them, but it would be nice to get some.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.5 out of 10

The Flash: Season 7 Episode 11: Family Matters Part 2: Review

 While the end of this story arc could have been better, it could've been so much worse.

Concluding the Speed Forces story arc actually impressed me more than it disappointed me. The chemistry involving the forces was hilarious. My only problem with the ending to this story was that it involved them talking the Speed Force out of fulfilling her plans, that schtick is getting old. Hopefully, the next arc, involving Godspeed, will end like season 2 or 3.

Killer Frost coming back was a pleasant surprise. Her battle with Chillblaine was hilarious. I am so glad that she is back, and she finally admitted she does have a crush on Chillblaine. Danielle Panabaker carried this arc so much, and she continues to show why she is an important part of the show.

Barry and Iris deciding to have kids at the end confirms that Nora/XS and Bart Allen/Impulse will be arriving very soon. I am so excited to see what role they will play, and what Godspeed has planned. Personally, I really hope that Godspeed is Eddie, or they follow Godspeed's story line from the comics where they make him an anti-hero, that would be a very intriguing story line. 

Cisco will be leaving after the next episode, the promo all but confirmed that. I will miss Carlos Valdes as Cisco, just as much as I still miss Tom Cavanagh as Dr. Wells and Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash.

 Out of a 10 I would give it...

7.5 out of 10

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 4: Cornered: Review

 Episode 4 of The Bad Batch brings back a Mandalorian fan favorite, and the action scenes, humor, and advancement of the story line are excellent as well. Only problem I had was Crosshairs not being in the episode.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9 out of 10

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Superman and Lois: Season 1 Episode 6: Broken Trust: Review

 Superman & Lois returns with a vengeance.

Captain Luthor and Lois Lane investigating the mines was a great story line. I loved the dialogue, especially when Lois saw all the gadgets that Captain Luthor had. I expect Luthor to switch sides, and help Superman against Morgan Edge and his crew.

Superman having to look for Tag was another excellent story line. The opening with him saving the train was outstanding, and the visuals looked spectacular there as well. The Army accidentally using Kryptonite on Superman was another excellent scene, due to Tyler Hoechlin's performance.

Jordan and Jonathan's story line was great, due to the plot advancement, and Alex Garfin's performance. I was stunned when he accidentally broke Jonathan's arm. I also loved the scene where Jordan had to unleash his powers on his dad, while on the football team.

The ending was excellent, and Jordan's monologue was very sad. Alex Garfin has really been showing that he has a bright future ahead of him. I wonder what kind of powers he is developing.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 3: Replacements: Review

 While it fails to advance the story arch of The Bad Batch and Omega, the episode benefits from the ' humor, and Crosshairs' story line involving the first group of Stormtroopers. I couldn't believe the scene where they slaughtered the unarmed villagers. Filoni, you never cease to surprise me.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

7 out of 10

The Flash: Season 7 Episode 10: Family Matters Part 1: Review

 What in wide world is wrong with this show?! How hard is it to make one decent episode?!?! The penultimate episode of this story arch is just as lousy as last week's, only things that I liked about this episode was Joe quitting the CCPD, and Cisco talking to his girlfriend about leaving. Hope the finale doesn't suck like this arch has been.

Out of a 10 I would give it..

2.5 out of 10

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Flash: Season 7 Episode 9: Timeless: Review

 Well, too bad I cannot go back in time and get those minutes back.

The episode was one of the worst episodes of The Flash due to the lack of action scenes, Godspeed once again not showing up, and for making it feel like a dramatic sitcom, rather than a Superhero drama with plenty of action.

Cisco will be gone within 2 episodes based on what the episode implied.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

2 out of 10

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 2: Cut and Run: Review

 Despite the return of Clone Trooper Cut, and the focus on the Empire, episode 2 of the Bad Batch lacks excitement, and plot advancement.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

6 out of 10

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The Flash: Season 7 Episode 8: The People V. Killer Frost: Review

 Episode 8 goes for another courtroom episode, that lacks screen time for the title character.

Killer Frost going to court had some emotional scenes. The return of Matthew Norvock had me laughing, due to his looks and some of his dialogue. I wonder what their plans are for Killer Frost now that she is in prison for life. Danielle Panabaker crushed her dual performance once again, and continues to make a case as to why she is the best actress on the show.

Barry, Iris, and the Speed Force looking for the Fuerza was a decent story line. The best part about it was the Speed Force betraying Barry and Iris, and killing Fuerza. I am impressed with the writer's decisions, though personally I was hoping that the Speed Force was going to be Reverse-Flash in disguise.

The episode lacked action scenes however, and the limited screen time of The Flash is starting to get a little frustrating, as is Godspeed not showing up. 

I heard about Tom Cavanagh and Carlos Valdes leaving the show after this season. Very sad to see them go, as their chemistry and performances were some of the best parts about the show.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8 out of 10

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 1 Episode 1: Aftermath: Review

 These will be quick reviews as well.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch honors the Clone Wars' rich legacy while adding some surprising twists — and delivering all the emotion-rich action fans could hope for. Dave Filoni, you never cease to amaze me. Keep it up.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Monday, May 3, 2021

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 6: One World, One People: Review

 The season 1 finale of Falcon and Winter Soldier is somehow worse than WandaVision's finale due to the dialogue, rushed ending, poor action scenes, anti-climatic feel, and lack of a serious tone. 

The only good things about it were Wyatt Russell, Sebastian Stan, and Julia-Louis Drefuss' performances, Sam Wilson's new costume, and revealing that Sharon Carter is the Power Broker.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

3 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...