I will write Reviews of recent Tv show episodes that I have watched and write them here. Visit http://actionawards.blogspot.com/ to see my reviews of Movies I have recently seen. I also do my own version of the Oscars on the Actionawards blog spot as well. Check out my Flashback review website by going here as well https://retromotionpicturereview.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
The Flash: Season 7 Episode 5: Fear Me: Review
The Falcon and the Winter Solider: Season 1 Episode 2: the Star-Spangled Man: Review
Episode 2 delivers on the action, humor, chemistry between the two leads, and some great twists to make this another great episode, and it keeps advancing the plot more and more.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
9 out of 10
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Superman and Lois: Season 1 Episode 5: The Best of Smallville: Review
Episode 5 gets the plot moving more and more, and reveals a twist along the way.
The flashbacks to a young Clark with his mother Martha was a great idea. I loved seeing a young Clark, and watching him fight crime at such a young age was great as well.
Jonathan struggling to adapt to Smallville was a good story line as well. I really hope that he is able to get to play football again, as that is his biggest love.
Jordan and Sarah becoming closer is one of my favorite things about this series. The actors have such good chemistry, and I am interested in seeing how their relationship progresses, as the series goes on.
Superman fighting a person who has the same powers as him was a great scene. The weirdest part was seeing Lex Luthor drive a motorhome. What the heck LOL!
Lex Luthor being revealed to have been married to Lois Lane on his Earth was a great twist. I love the flashbacks to his character, and I am looking forward to more, and I am interested to see how he killed the evil Superman on his Earth.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
The Flash: Season 7 Episode 4: Central City Strong: Review
From now on, the episodes have to get a good score for me to write a full review, I only do short reviews for the Disney Plus series' because they only have 6 to 8 episodes.
With the Mirrorverse arc finished, I thought this would be a great premier, but this was the worst premier for a show that I have ever seen, and one of the worst episodes for a show I have ever seen. It was so boring and anti-climatic. The only good things about it were the ending, humor, and Danielle Panabaker's performance.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
3 out of 10
Friday, March 19, 2021
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 1: New World Order: Review
Quick review.
Episode 1 of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier boats a great buildup to multiple ways in which this series can go, though the series still has a lot to do, the acting, particularly buy Sebastian Stan, is spectacular as usual, and the action scenes are stellar as well.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
8 out of 10
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Superman and Lois: Season 1 Episode 4: Haywire: Review
Doing another review, so this will be a quick review.
Episode 4 of Superman and Lois has some great buildups, a few surprising twists, and powerful acting as usual, but they need to get some action scenes in the show again soon, and start advancing the plot a little faster.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
7 out of 10
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
The Flash: Season 7 Episode 3: Mother: Review
Quick review.
Episode 3 of The Flash wraps up the sixth season's story arc, and while it has some great moments, it is ultimately a huge disappointment and very anti-climatic. Hopefully due to the end tease, they are building up a Flash War for season 7.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
5 out of 10
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Superman and Lois: Season 1 Episode 3: The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower: Review
Dealing with a bad headache, so this will be a quick review.
Episode 3 of Superman and Lois raises more questions that have now really upped my intrigue in the show, still has the strong drama that works very well, sets up Lois on a very intriguing story arc of her own, and has strong performances from the cast to make this another excellent episode in this series.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
The Flash: Season 7 Episode 2: the Speed of Thought: Review
More twists and and turns are revealed in the 2nd episode, and it is epic.
Barry being able to think quicker at the cost of his emotion was a great way to showcase the acting by Grant Gustin. I haven't seen Barry vs the team since Savitar, and it was epic.
Eva going full on evil mode and trying to replace everyone with mirror duplicates is a great way to make her an even bigger threat. Hope she goes out with a bang next week (if her story line wraps up next week).
Killer Frost using Velocity X to fight Barry was no doubt one of the best moments on the show ever. It was really cool seeing someone else use the Speed Force that was not a speedster.
Barry frees Iris from the mirrorverse, and then seeing what the Artificial Speed Force is doing to him emotionally, decides to destroy it. It will be very interesting to see how he will get his speed back. Hope it has something to with Eobard Thawne.
The big twist at the end with Harrison Wells (The one that Eobard killed back in season 1), coming back to life was another great moment as well. Does Eobard have something to do with this, did he find a way to come back due to the new universe, is there something much more darker afoot, or nothing at all? We will just have to wait and see.
Overall, tonight's episode of The Flash has so much fun stuff, as well as a lot of jaw dropping plot twists, and a powerful performance Grant Gustin to make this one of the best episodes of the show.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10
WandaVision: Season 1 Episode 9: Review
Quick review.
WandaVision's final episode has some good heartfelt moments, and a powerful performance from Elizabeth Olsen, but it is anti-climatic, has the worst twist in the MCU since the Mandarin, leaves too many questions unanswered, and gives no indication as to how the show ties into Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
4 out of 10
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Superman and Lois: Season 1 Episode 2: Heritage: Review
Episode 2 of Superman and Lois ups the drama, and twists in the best way possible.
Jordan and Jonathan Kent's character development has been very impressive. This show almost feels like Stargirl, except with a more serious tone. I am looking forward to seeing how the boys will continue to adapt to the new town.
Lois Lane quitting her job at the Daily Planet was a shocker. I am very impressed with the ways the writers are trying to separate these versions of the characters from previous versions of the characters in other movies and shows.
The reveal that Captain Luthor is from another Earth that was destroyed by an evil Superman is another excellent example of how the writing keeps impressing me. I good version of Lex Luthor that is just paranoid and wants revenge was the best way to go. I love it!
The acting in this series is much better than I was expecting. I love the fact that this show has a more serious tone to it, so the acting is better, because they had to cast more dramatic actors.
Overall, Superman and Lois' second episode is one of the best episodes for a show I have ever seen, and it looks like this show has a bright future ahead of it in many ways.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
10 out of 10
P.S. So happy this show got renewed for a 2nd season!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
The Flash: Season 7 Episode 1: All's Well That Ends Wells: Review
The flash returns in an emotionally strong episode that has us saying goodbye to no doubt the best actor in the series.
Nash, Chester, and Allegra working together to get Barry his speed back was very good. I loved the dynamic between the team, and while I was worried about how Allegra and Chester were going to mesh, they proved that they can hold their own, and I love their chemistry.
Iris being stuck in the mirror world was another way to showcase the strong acting by Candice Patton. Her acting just keeps getting better and better each season. I wonder what will happen to her when she does end up escaping the mirror world.
Nash sacrificing himself so Barry could get his speed back was the most emotional death of the series ever, and arguably the most emotional death in the Arrowverse, behind only Oliver Queen. Tom Cavanagh always gave his best when he played different versions of Harrison Wells, and I hope that he returns in some form, such as Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash.
The ending where Eva realizes she isn't the real Eva had me confused. I really hope that they can clarify this next week.
I am going to miss Hartley Sawyer as Ralph (I still say that it was stupid why he got fired considering he made that tweet years and years ago), and nobody will be able to top him in my opinion.
Overall, despite a very confusing ending, Flash's season 7 premier starts off on a powerful and emotional note, that will thrill longtime fans of the series, and it features a stellar performance from Tom Cavanagh, and plenty of great humor as well.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
9.5 out of 10
WandaVision: Season 1 Episode 8: Review
Been busy, and The Flash is back tonight, so this will be a quick review.
Episode 8 of WandaVision finds Elizabeth Olsen giving her best performance, and it also has some excellent plot twists, a jaw dropping ending, plenty of emotion, and plenty of good things ahead of it for the finale later this week.
Out of a 10 I would give it...
9 out of 10
Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review
The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...
Holy cow!!!!! The premier of the final season of Superman & Lois is easily the best premier of the series! I have 2 episodes to write, ...
Sorry this review is late, will try to do a longer review for the next one! The 6th episode of Superman & Lois ups the stakes, while gi...
Another amazing episode!!! Lex Luthor is now my favorite villain of the franchise! Cold, a man of his word, and extremely dangerous! I have ...