Thursday, July 30, 2020

Stargirl: Season 1 Episode 11: Shining Knight: Review

Quick review.

The 11th episode of Stargirl wisely saves the action scenes for the last two episodes, and finally answers the question as to who Courtney's father really is, and also delivered on some powerful emotion, great dialogue, the ISA finally getting ready to make their move, and powerful performances from Brec Bassinger and Luke Wilson, to deliver another great episode to this outstanding season.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Stargirl: Season 1 Episode 10: Brainwave Jr.: Review

The tenth episode of Stargirl is easily the best, due to its powerful emotion.

The story line involving Pat and Barbara was a great story line. I love the fact that she is now helping the JSA, and I have a feeling that she is going to end up using that pen that Courtney took from the old JSA headquarters.

The story line involving Brainwave waking up was no doubt the best story line I have ever seen, on a superhero show. I was surprised at how much more info we got on Brainwave, and we find out how evil he is really is, as it is revealed that he killed his wife, and that his brother in law was Starman.

The fight between Dragon King's zombies, and Courtney, Henry Jr., and Yolanda was another great fight scene. I loved that it showed that Courtney can still hold her own, even without the staff. I also loved the reactions by Stargirl and Wildcat when they saw Dragon King without his mask on.

The one fight scene I am looking forward to seeing is between Solomon Grundy and Hour man, due to the emotion that will be featured in that fight.

The final scene between Brainwave and Brainwave Jr. was the most powerful scene in this show, and more sadder than anything I have seen on The Flash, Arrow, and Gotham. Henry Jr. getting killed by his own father, because he wouldn't join the ISA, was one of the saddest scenes ever. Jake Austin Walker delivered an outstanding performance, and I am sad to see him go. It will not surprise me if they do end up bringing him back, due to the fans that liked him.

As to who Stargirl's real father is, I have a gut feeling that it is the janitor that works at the high school. Because of the way he kept looking at her, and because it would make sense as to why he is almost obsessed with the staff. I also think that he is the one who created it.

Overall, thanks to a tear jerking final scene, strong visual effects, advancing the plot extremely well, well shot action scenes, great plot twists, and a powerful performance by Jake Austin Walker, Stargirl's tenth episode is no doubt the best, and one of the greatest episodes of any show that I have ever seen.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Stargirl: Season 1 Episode 9: Brainwave: Review

Back from my vacation, so this will be a short review.

Stargirl's 9th episode continues to reveal more secrets, while still advancing the plot very well, and features some great humor, more character development, a strong backstory for Brainwave, a surprising ending and hilarious ending, a great dinner scene, the final scene with Henry King Jr., and strong performances from Neil Jackson, Luke Wilson, Christopher James Baker, Jake Austin Walker, to deliver another outstanding episode of Stargirl.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Monday, July 6, 2020

Stargirl: Season 1 Episode 8: Shiv Part 2: Review

The plot continues to advance well, and the action scenes get better and better each week.

Stargirl's 8th episode is another excellent episode, and a very suspenseful one at that. Henry King Jr. has developed his powers and it will be interesting to watch the ISA and the JSA try to convince him to side with them. The team breaking into Cindy's house reminded me so much of those old thriller movies, and I am loving the buildup to what Dragon King can do.

Icicle's plan is mostly revealed, and you can totally understand where he is coming from. I am loving that they have made him a sympathetic villain, and not a cold villain with no heart.

The next episode looks to be getting better and better. And I found out that Stargirl was just renewed for a 2nd season, and while I am happy that it is, I am a bit disappointed that it will air on the CW and not on the DC Streaming Universe. But oh well, I can live it.

Overall, everything about this episode is great, and I am loving the tone and direction that this show is taking.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10 

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...