Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Flash: Season 6 Episode 17: Liberation: Review

Mirror Master rises, and a familiar villain returns in this solid episode of the Flash.

Barry's story line with him trying to find out what Iris really is was a great story line, due to Grant Gustin's performance. And I love the fact that Barry is close to finally creating his own artificial speed force, that will be great when he finishes it.

Eva/Mirror Master's plan to escape her prison was a great part as well. I loved the fact that Iris finally figured out that Eva was lying. The best part of this story line though, was that in order to free herself, she needed blood from Dr. Bloodwork (One of my favorite villains on the show). Sendhill Ramamurthy once again gave a chilling performance as Bloodwork, and I am really looking forward to seeing him return again soon.

Ralph, Cisco, and Caitlin's story line was okay. I loved that Caitlin finally came back, and I loved the dynamic and humor between Ralph and Cisco, but I hated the fact that this story line added nothing to the overall episode, and it just felt thrown in there for no reason.

The scene where Barry fights Mirror Iris was a great scene. It has been a long time since I have seen Barry take that bad of a beating, probably since he fought Zoom. Grant being able to get Mirror Iris to turn was very surprising as well.

Mirror Master freeing herself was worth the wait. She has really gotten under my skin, and I cannot wait for Barry and the team to defeat her, and hopefully kill her. Very rarely do I hope that a villain dies, so the show has done a good job at getting me to hate Mirror Master more than any other villain on the show so far.

Overall, despite a useless story arc for Ralph, Cisco, and Caitlin, episode 17 of the Flash delivers on Mirror Master finally arriving in the flesh, the surprising return of Dr. Bloodwork, advancing the story line very well, and strong performances from Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Sendhill Ramamurthy, and Efrat Dor.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.0 out of 10

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 7 Episode 10: The Phantom Apprentice: Review

As usual, a short review.

No doubt one of the greatest episodes of all time for any tv show, due to its amazing dialogue, preparing us for Order 66, strong dynamics between Ahsoka and Maul, stellar action scenes, plenty of cool easter eggs, and a strong voice performance from Sam Witwer as Darth Maul.

And I loved what Maul wanted with Anakin as well. Every scene with Maul was the best scene in Star Wars history.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

10 out of 10

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Flash: Season 6 Episode 16: So Long and Goodnight: Review

Quick review, very tired.

The Flash's long awaited comeback was worth the wait. The episode delivered on the advancing story line, plenty of intrigue, return of one of the creepier villains on the show, return of Ralph Dibny and his story line with Cisco and Sue, revealing what Sue Dearbon is up to, making me think that Joe would actually die, revealing what Mirror Master plans to do to her husband, plenty of intense moments, having Barry grow suspicious of Iris, and strong performances from Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Candice Patton, Hartley Sawyer, Carlos Valdes, and Natalie Dreyfuss.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.5 out of 10

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 7 Episode 9: Old Friends Not Forgotten: Review

The final story arc for the Clone Wars is one of the best episodes I've ever seen, due to its emotion, thrilling action scenes, plenty of well written humor, setting up Order 66, return of the Mandalorians and Darth Maul, its perfect ending, and Anakin and Ahsoka's long awaited renunion.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

9.9 out of 10

Friday, April 10, 2020

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 7 Episode 8: Together Again: Review

While it suffers from its pacing and it feels anti-climatic, episode 8 delivers on the humor, return of Darth Maul, great callbacks and easter eggs to Solo: A Star Wars Story, return of Bo Katan, and setting up the final story arc.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

7.5 out of 10

Friday, April 3, 2020

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 7 Episode 7: Dangerous Debt: Review

Though suffering from a disappointing ending, the seventh episode of the Clone Wars benefits from its thrilling action scenes, great humor, surprising return of a character, great villans, and well done shots to prodcue another great episode.

Out of a 10 I would give it...

8.9 out of 10

Superman & Lois: Season 4 Episode 10: It Went By So Fast: Review

 The end of an era! Took everything in me not to start bawling! The episode was the true end of the Arrowverse, not The Flash! Superman and ...